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Minister of Labour requires factories to have regular doctors ready for first aid when workers have health problems

Heng Sour, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training, required factories to have regular medical teams to monitor workers’ health status and provide first aid in the event of any health problems as part of occupational safety standards.

Speaking at the 19th World Day for Safety and Health at Work on the topic of the impact of climate change on occupational safety and health in Pursat, the Minister said that the establishment of standardised safety in factories and enterprises will truly benefit both workers and employers to further develop, which is the desire of the Royal Government of Cambodia.

At the same time, the Minister also urged the private sector to continue to invest more in new technologies in factories that do not affect the work environment of workers, as well as to continue to implement best practices in accordance with technical standards on workplace safety, which the Ministry has introduced for occupational safety for workers.

The Minister stated that the celebration of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work is to commemorate the workers who lost their lives, work accidents, and occupational diseases in the workplace and to promote decent work, safety, and occupational health, as Cambodia has celebrated this day 19 times, which confirms the position and commitment of the Royal Government to consider the priority of occupational safety and health of workers.

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