Chiikawa’s Super Spicy Curry: “One sip and you won’t be able to put down your water!”

Did you know that the original "Chiikawa" manga features a super spicy curry?

Inspired by this curry, the product "Limited Edition Chiikawa Super Spicy Curry <Beef>" will be released by Marumiya from July 11 to August 31. The taste is described as "a hot spiciness with a lingering flavor." The ingredients include beef, potatoes, and carrots. The package warns "Caution: Extremely Spicy" and depicts the characters with red faces, enjoying the curry.

Each package also contains one limited edition "Special Sparkling Sticker" (10 types in total).

តើអ្នកដឹងទេថាការរូបតាងរឿង "Chiikawa" ដើមមានការនាំយកមកនូវការិររសជាតិប្រហិតខ្លាំងមួយ?

ផលិតផលដែលប្រើប្រាស់តាមរូបតាងនេះមានឈ្មោះ "ការិររសជាតិប្រហិតខ្លាំង Chiikawa ជាប់កំណត់ <សាច់គោ>" នឹងត្រូវបានចេញផ្សាយដោយ Marumiya ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី 11 កក្កដា ដល់ថ្ងៃទី 31 សីហា។ រសជាតិត្រូវបានពិពណ៌នាថា "មានរសជាតិប្រហិតហុត និងធ្វើឲ្យមានភាពល្អនៃរសជាតិបន្ត"។ គ្រឿងផ្សំមាន សាច់គោ ដំឡូង និងការ៉ុត។ កញ្ចប់មានពាក្យព្រមាន "ប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ន: ប្រហិតខ្លាំង" ហើយបង្ហាញតួអក្សរដែលមានមុខក្រហមនៅពេលពួកគេរីករាយជាមួយការិររសជាតិប្រហិតខ្លាំងនេះ។

និងក្នុងកញ្ចប់នីមួយៗមានស្លាកពិសេស "Special Sparkling Sticker" ចំនួនមួយ (សរុបមាន ១០ ប្រភេទ)។

Gummies inspired by imaginary fruits?

Kanro launched "Imaginary Fruit: Uchacha no Mi" gummies on April 30 at 7-Eleven stores across Japan. Gummy users tend to prioritize not only the taste but also the "fun" and "novelty" of creative shapes. This product aims to provide gummy fans with a new way to enjoy their treat. The gummies are designed with the concept of "phantom fruits" and target fans of fantasy movies and novels. The website and social media are integrated to create a world where these phantom fruits seem to exist.

The gummy market has been expanding annually, with Intage data showing a 24.1% increase in 2023 compared to the previous year. Amidst the release of various new products, Kanro launched the "Imaginary Fruit" series in September 2023, leveraging the high flexibility of gummies. The first product, "Kiraspica no Mi," was inspired by fruits that grow in cold regions. The concept of "eating imaginary fruits" became a hot topic on social media, with users sharing their taste impressions and resonating with the concept. According to a spokesperson, the series was well-received by fans of the fantasy genre, with feedback like "the best gummies I've ever had."

The second product, "Uchacha no Mi," is inspired by tropical imaginary fruits. It features a unique taste and texture with a two-layer structure and gradient-like colors. The packaging of Uchacha no Mi depicts a 3D model shot instead of using CG or AI, and the back of the package includes notes from the discoverer, allowing users to imagine the story behind the product. The spokesperson mentioned that "one of our goals is to create and share a story with the users."

ក្រុមហ៊ុន Kanro បានចេញលក់បន្ថែមនូវផលិតផល "ផ្លែឈើគំនិត៖ ចារីរបស់អូឆាឆា" នៅថ្ងៃទី 30 ខែមេសា នៅហាង 7-Eleven ទូទាំងប្រទេសជប៉ុន។ អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់បាយខ្មៅមាននិន្នាការជ្រើសរើសមិនត្រឹមតែរសជាតិប៉ុណ្ណោះទេ តែថែមទាំងមាន "ភាពសប្បាយ" និង "ភាពថ្មីស្រឡាង" នៃរូបរាងច្នៃប្រឌិតផងដែរ។ ផលិតផលនេះមានបំណងផ្តល់ឱ្យអ្នកគាំទ្រការាបាយខ្មៅនូវវិធីថ្មីក្នុងការរីករាយនឹងការពិសារ។ ការាបាយខ្មៅត្រូវបានរចនាឡើងដោយមានគំនិត "ផ្លែឈើមិនជាក់ស្តែង" និងមានគោលដៅដល់អ្នកគាំទ្ររឿងភាគ និងវប្បធម៌សៀវភៅច្នៃប្រឌិត។ គេហទំព័រ និងបណ្ដាញសង្គមត្រូវបានរួមបញ្ចូលគ្នាដើម្បីបង្កើតពិភពលោកដែលផ្លែឈើមិនជាក់ស្តែងនេះមានស្រាប់។

ទីផ្សារការាបាយខ្មៅកំពុងតែធ្វើបានល្អជារៀងរាល់ឆ្នាំ ដោយមានទិន្នន័យពី Intage បង្ហាញថា ក្នុងឆ្នាំ 2023 បានកើនឡើង 24.1% បើប្រៀបធៀបទៅនឹងឆ្នាំមុន។ ក្នុងចំណោមផលិតផលថ្មីៗជាច្រើនដែលបានចេញផ្សាយ ក្រុមហ៊ុន Kanro បានចេញលក់ស៊េរី "ផ្លែឈើគំនិត" នៅខែកញ្ញាឆ្នាំ 2023 ដោយប្រើប្រាស់ភាពងាយស្រួលនៃការាបាយខ្មៅ។ ផលិតផលដំបូង "ចារីរបស់ Kiraspica" បានចំលែកពីផ្លែឈើដែលលូតលាស់នៅតំបន់ត្រជាក់។ គំនិតនៃ "ការរីករាយផ្លែឈើគំនិត" បានក្លាយជាប្រធានបទក្តៅនៅលើបណ្ដាញសង្គម ដែលអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់បានចែករំលែកគំនិត និងសន្និដ្ឋានរបស់ពួកគេ។ អ្នកនាំពាក្យបានឱ្យដឹងថា ស៊េរីនេះត្រូវបានទទួលស្គាល់យ៉ាងខ្លាំងពីអ្នកគាំទ្រវប្បធម៌សៀវភៅច្នៃប្រឌិត ដោយមានមតិយោបល់ថា "ស្អាតបំផុតក្នុងចំណោមការាបាយខ្មៅដែលខ្ញុំធ្លាប់បានពិសារ"។

ផលិតផលទីពីរ "ចារីរបស់អូឆាឆា" ត្រូវបានចំលែកពីផ្លែឈើគំនិតនៃតំបន់ត្រជាក់។ វាមានរសជាតិនិងសំណុំអារម្មណ៍ថ្មីដោយមានសំណុំពីរដងនិងពណ៌ប្រើជាមិនជាក់ស្តែង។ ការរៀបចំបន្ថែមនៃចារីរបស់អូឆាឆាគឺត្រូវបានគូសឆ្លាក់ដោយ 3D ជំនួសការប្រើប្រាស់ CG ឬ AI ហើយផ្នែកខាងក្រោយនៃកញ្ចប់រួមបញ្ចូលនូវកំណត់ហេតុរបស់អ្នកសម្លាញ់ដើម្បីអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់សន្និដ្ឋានរឿងនិទានពីផលិតផល។ អ្នកនាំពាក្យបានឱ្យដឹងថា "មួយក្នុងចំណោមគោលដៅរបស់យើងគឺបង្កើតនិងចែករំលែករឿងនិទានជាមួយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់"។

“Yokubari Festival” will be held at Thirty One!

B-R 31 Ice Cream will hold the "Yokubari Festival" during "Ice Cream Day" from May 9th (Thursday) to May 30th (Thursday), 2024.

A variety of fun products will be available, including up to 10 delicious triple pops and take-out items that you can enjoy at home.

Furthermore, during the campaign period, recommended flavors will be available for a limited time, allowing you to enjoy the deliciousness of various countries while staying in Japan. Please enjoy the deliciousness that is only available now.

ការ៉េម B-R 31 នឹងរៀបចំ "ពិធីបុណ្យ Yokubari" ក្នុងអំឡុងពេល "ទិវាការ៉េម" ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី 9 ខែឧសភា (ថ្ងៃព្រហស្បតិ៍) ដល់ថ្ងៃទី 30 ខែឧសភា (ថ្ងៃព្រហស្បតិ៍) ឆ្នាំ 2024។

ផលិតផលសប្បាយៗជាច្រើននឹងអាចរកបាន រួមទាំងអាហារបីដងដ៏ឈ្ងុយឆ្ងាញ់រហូតដល់ 10 មុខ ដែលអ្នកអាចរីករាយជាមួយនៅផ្ទះ។

ជាងនេះទៅទៀត ក្នុងអំឡុងពេលយុទ្ធនាការ រសជាតិដែលបានណែនាំនឹងមានក្នុងពេលកំណត់ ដែលអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យអ្នករីករាយជាមួយរសជាតិឆ្ងាញ់របស់ប្រទេសផ្សេងៗនៅពេលស្នាក់នៅប្រទេសជប៉ុន។ សូមរីករាយជាមួយភាពឈ្ងុយឆ្ងាញ់ ដែលមានតែពេលនេះ។

Reservation-only ‘Chiikawa Ramen Buta’ opens for a limited time!

"Chiikawa Ramen Buta" is a limited-time pop-up shop inspired by the ramen shop featured in the popular manga "Chiikawa" by illustrator Nagano. Previously, the "Rou" ramen series, which recreates ramen dishes from the manga, has been a hit at "Chiikawa Cafe," "Chiikawa Diner," and "Chiikawa Restaurant." The shop offers a menu of ramen and drinks, including three sizes of ramen: "Mini (Chiikawa)," "Small (Hachiware)," and "Large (Usagi)."

Each bowl of ramen comes in an original donburi, generously topped with bean sprouts and chashu pork, making for a hearty meal. Each also features character-shaped fish cake garnishes adding a playful touch.

The drink menu includes black oolong tea with original labels, Shisa mandarin juice, Momonga white soda, Kurimanjuu non-alcoholic cola during the prohibition period, and draft beer served in an original mug. Each drink is served in a glass adorned with the "Ramen Buta" logo and Chiikawa designs.

The shop operates on a reservation-only basis and is almost always fully booked. It's an irresistible spot for fans of Chiikawa.

"Chiikawa Ramen Buta" គឺជាហាងបែបបណ្តោះអាសន្នដែលមានពេលកំណត់ ដែលផ្ដល់ការបំភ្លឺដោយហាងរ៉ាមែនដែលបានបង្ហាញនៅក្នុងរឿងតុក្កតា "Chiikawa" ដែលគូរដោយវិចិត្រករ Nagano។ មុននេះ ស៊េរីរ៉ាមែន "Rou" ដែលស្រដៀងនឹងមុខម្ហូបរ៉ាមែនពីរឿងតុក្កតា បានក្លាយជាផលិតផលល្បីនៅ "Chiikawa Cafe," "Chiikawa Diner," និង "Chiikawa Restaurant"។ ហាងនេះផ្តល់មុខម្ហូបរ៉ាមែននិងភេសជ្ជៈដែលមានទំហំរ៉ាមែនបីយ៉ាង៖ "Mini (Chiikawa)," "Small (Hachiware)," និង "Large (Usagi)"។

ម្ហូបរ៉ាមែននីមួយៗមាននៅក្នុងដុតនូរីម៉ូដសុទ្ធ ដែលមានបន្ថែមកញ្ចប់គុយទាវនិងសាច់ជ្រូកច្រើន ធ្វើឲ្យមុខម្ហូបកាន់តែសម្បូរ។ ម្ហូបនីមួយៗក៏មានរូបផ្សេងៗដែលជាតួអក្សរនៃត្រីកែវមានរាងតុក្កតា។

មុខម្ហូបភេសជ្ជៈមានតែតែអូរឡុងខ្មៅដែលមានស្លាកស្នាមដើម, ទឹកក្រូចមិនតុង Shisa, ទឹកសូដាពណ៌ស Momonga, កូឡាគុយរីម៉ាន់ជូសកំឡុងពេលហាមឃាត់ជាភេសជ្ជៈ និងស្រាបៀរតាមស៊ុតដែលបានបម្រើក្នុងពែងសុទ្ធ។ ភេសជ្ជៈនីមួយៗត្រូវបានបម្រើនៅក្នុងកែវដែលតុបតែងដោយរូបសញ្ញា "Ramen Buta" និងរចនាបថ Chiikawa។

ហាងនេះដំណើរការតាមរយៈការកក់តែមួយប៉ុណ្ណោះហើយភាគច្រើនតែងតែមានអតិថិជនពេញ។ វាជាកន្លែងដែលមិនអាចរំលងបានសម្រាប់អ្នកគាំទ្រ Chiikawa។

Cambodia bags $2.35 billion from agriculture exports

Cambodia exported $2.35 billion worth of agricultural products in the first four months of this year, said a report from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Some 5.3 million tonnes of agricultural products have been exported during the period, a year-on-year increase of 74 percent, read the report.

The main products Cambodia exported included rice, bananas, mangoes, cassava, cashew nuts, corn, palm oil, pepper and tobacco.

Exports of milled rice and paddy rice earned $210 million and $364 million respectively and other agricultural product exports were valued at $1.78 billion, read the report.

“Exports of agricultural products in the first four months of 2024 increased by 2.2 million tonnes compared to the same period in 2023, in which agricultural products contributed to high export growth, including fresh cassava, rice, cassava flour, corn, longan, fresh mangoes and peppers,” the ministry said.

China, EU and ASEAN nations Vietnam and Thailand are the major importers of Cambodia’s agricultural items.

Agriculture Minister Tith Dina encouraged farmers to create modern farming communities to reap more profit.

“Modern agricultural cooperative is a method capable of guaranteeing the supply of raw materials, processed goods and secured markets,” Dina said at a field visit to an agricultural cooperative in Battambang province on Wednesday.

Earlier this week, three ministries – the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology and the Ministry of Rural Development announced plans to join hands to support Cambodian farmers and improve the livelihood of people living in rural areas.

A new joint working group will be formed that will work on water supply and deal with water shortages impacting farmers and the development of irrigation systems in the areas lacking water supply.

Agriculture is one of the four pillars supporting Cambodia’s economy.

The Cambodian government has announced the implementation of a new strategic policy for agricultural development, aiming to upgrade agriculture from household farming to commercial farming and enhance farmers’ income through value-added products.

Under the priority policy, the government deployed 250 agricultural officials and the number will be raised to over 1,300 by 2025 in communes nationwide to add human resources for the agricultural sector’s development.

Cambodia’s fish enter Australian market

Fish processing enterprise Home Taste Food exported its first batch of processed fish to Australia, becoming the first Cambodian firm to export fish products to a foreign market.

Sim Sereyroth, Founder of Home Taste Food based in Siem Reap province, told Khmer Times that 4.7 tonnes of fish products have been exported and soon they will be available at supermarkets in Australia.

“It is a significant step for us as a local enterprise and it is a testimony to the quality of the product,” Sereyroth said.

The enterprise is capable of scaling up the production if the demand goes up in the foreign market, she said.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) applauded the success of the company. “The presence of Cambodian processed fish products in an international market is a welcome development,” said Im Rachna, the ministry’s Under-Secretary of State and spokeswoman.

“Home Taste Food is the first Cambodian enterprise to export processed fish products to foreign markets,” Rachna confirmed to Khmer Times.

The ministry will continue to support the company which now aims to expand its exports to the US and New Zealand markets by more than 100 tonnes in the near future, Rachna said.

The Kingdom is also looking into opportunities for the export of processed fish products to the European market.

According to Rachna, to boost exports, Home Taste Food employees have been undergoing training by the CAPFISH-Capture, an initiative of MAFF and UNIDO, she said.

The training is aimed at improving the technical capacity of the private sector. It will also promote competition and help the implementation of the food standard system in Cambodia to meet national and international standards.

“The enterprises that can export processed fish products are recognized by the UNIDO and the Fisheries Administration by awarding Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) certification,” Rachna said.

The CQS is a prestigious certification scheme of the Department of Fisheries Post-harvest Technologies and Quality Control under the Fisheries Administration.

It was established specifically for fish and fishery products to recognize business operators in Cambodia for their commitment to high-quality, safe products.

The certification is awarded to companies that meet rigorous standards of excellence in safety, quality, environmental responsibility, gender equality, child labour prevention, and customer satisfaction.

TV anime “WIND BREAKER” x Burger King! Collaboration store “Burger King Dongfeng Shopping Street” opens in Shibuya Center Gai

For a limited time from April 19th to May 7th, Burger King will open the Burger King Dongfeng Shopping Street Store'' that expresses the world view of the animeWIND BREAKER'' at the Burger King Shibuya Center Gai store. Open.

"Burger King Tofu Shopping Street Store" is a limited-time store that expresses the world of Makochicho Tofu Shopping District, the setting for the TV anime "WIND BREAKER." Inside the store, Haruka Sakura, Kyotaro Sugishita, Akihiko Nasui, Junhi Su, Hajime Umemiya, and Touma Hiiragi, members of "Boufuurin" who attend Furin High School, are "working as staff," so there is a special atmosphere inside the store. A visual is provided. Also appearing are Taiga Tsugaura, Miki Kiryu, and Kotoha Tachibana, an employee of ``Cafe Potos''.

In this collaboration, three limited-time "Buddy Burger" products with new sauce combinations will be released under the theme of "Buddy makes burgers delicious." You can choose from three products: A set BBQ x Spicy'', B setTeriyaki x Raspberry'', and C set ``Aurora x Cheese.''

In addition, if you purchase any of the 3 products in the "Buddy Burger" set, you will receive a "WIND BREAKER" acrylic stand (*while supplies last, 6 designs in total, 1 design per store). The design of the acrylic stand is a limited edition design featuring six characters wearing Burger King uniforms.

សម្រាប់រយៈពេលកំណត់ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី 19 ខែមេសាដល់ថ្ងៃទី 7 ឧសភា Burger King នឹងបើកហាង Burger King Dongfeng Shopping Street Store'' ដែលបង្ហាញពីទិដ្ឋភាពពិភពលោកនៃ animeWIND BREAKER'' នៅហាង Burger King Shibuya Center Gai ។ បើក។

"Burger King Tofu Shopping Street Store" គឺជាហាងដែលមានពេលវេលាកំណត់ដែលបង្ហាញពីពិភពនៃ Makochicho Tofu Shopping District ដែលជាការកំណត់សម្រាប់ទូរទស្សន៍ Anime "WIND BREAKER"។ នៅខាងក្នុងហាង Haruka Sakura, Kyotaro Sugishita, Akihiko Nasui, Junhi Su, Hajime Umemiya និង Touma Hiiragi សមាជិកនៃ "Boufuurin" ដែលចូលរៀននៅវិទ្យាល័យ Furin កំពុង "ធ្វើការជាបុគ្គលិក" ដូច្នេះមានបរិយាកាសពិសេសនៅក្នុងហាង។ . ការមើលឃើញត្រូវបានផ្តល់ជូន។ ក៏មាន Taiga Tsugaura, Miki Kiryu, និង Kotoha Tachibana ដែលជាបុគ្គលិករបស់ `Cafe Potos'' ផងដែរ។

នៅក្នុងការសហការគ្នានេះ ផលិតផល "Buddy Burger" ដែលមានកំណត់ចំនួនបីជាមួយនឹងការផ្សំទឹកជ្រលក់ថ្មីនឹងត្រូវបានចេញផ្សាយក្រោមប្រធានបទ "Buddy ធ្វើឱ្យប៊ឺហ្គឺឆ្ងាញ់" ។ អ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសពីផលិតផលចំនួនបី៖ A set BBQ x Spicy'' B setTeriyaki x Raspberry'' និង C set ``Aurora x Cheese''។

លើសពីនេះ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកទិញផលិតផលទាំង 3 ណាមួយនៅក្នុងឈុត "Buddy Burger" នោះ អ្នកនឹងទទួលបានជំហរ acrylic "WIND BREAKER" (*ខណៈពេលដែលការផ្គត់ផ្គង់ចុងក្រោយ សរុប 6 ការរចនា 1 ការរចនាក្នុងមួយហាង)។ ការរចនាស្តង់អាគ្រីលីកគឺជាការរចនាដែលមានកំណត់ដែលមានតួអង្គចំនួនប្រាំមួយពាក់ឯកសណ្ឋានប៊ឺហ្គឺឃីង។

“Chiikawa” is making good progress in China…Author Nagano’s expression of Taiwan as a “country” causes a stir online after several years

Nagano, the illustrator behind the popular web comic "Chiikawa," made a comment several years ago in which he referred to Taiwan as a "country", which has been causing ripples both domestically and internationally since around April 2024.

Chiikawa'', which has an advanced media mix, is becoming increasingly popular in China as well, with a collaboration project being held in the same month with the miscellaneous goods chainMiso Yuhin'', known for its ``MINISO'' brand.

"Taiwan…it's a nice country…"
What caused a stir was one frame of Nagano's illustrated essay depicting his memories of a trip to Taiwan, in which he expressed,'s a nice country...''. The picture was originally published in Kodansha's youth manga magazine "D Morning" in 2018, and the illustrated essay was later published as a book. This scene is included in the bookMOGUMOGU Eating Walking Bear (1)'' released in 2019.

In April 2024, this panel gained attention again and was widely spread on the Chinese social networking site Weibo. Concerning the expression of the word, there are voices that are speculating whether the word ``country'' refers to a region or not.

At the time the picture was announced, in 2018, Nagano visited Taiwan and while interacting with X users, he said, Taiwan was so much fun! When I was in Taiwan, I saw the message and said,There are people in this country who know bears.'' …! I felt strange," he also posted.

This too has been dug up in the same way as the picture, and over the past few years, users who appear to be from Greater China have asked, ``Do you mean China, or do you think of Taiwan as an independent country?'' "Taiwan is not an independent country. It's a province of China." "I love your chiikawa, but now many people in China are resisting chiikawa because you call Taiwan a country." Do you support Taiwanese independence? That's very important to Chinese fans.'' There have been a lot of comments asking whether Nagano is a supporter of Taiwanese independence.

The series of moves has also caused concern among Japanese fans. In relation to the Japanese entertainment industry, in 2020 there was an uproar in which the words and actions of talents belonging to the major VTuber group Hololive were criticized by fans living in China, who accused them of treating Taiwan as an independent country. . Although the agency issued an apology in support of "one China," and the person himself refrained from activities and returned, he continued to suffer from slander and slander, and although the causal relationship is unclear, some of the students graduated in 2021.

“Kinoko no Yama Wireless Earphones” Sold Out Instantly

The wireless earphones themed after "Kinoko no Yama," a popular snack in Japan loved for many years, were released at noon on the 26th in a limited edition of 3,500 units with serial numbers and sold out within minutes, leading to expressions of disappointment on social media.

The earphones, posted on social media by the manufacturer in July last year as "the merchandise you never knew you needed," received a flood of responses with people saying they wanted them because they were interesting. In response to this feedback, the product was successfully developed over approximately seven months. They are capable of playing music and also come with an automatic translation feature that supports 144 languages (74 languages and 70 accents).

They sold out in just 9 minutes after launch, with social media comments like "It was instant," and "I've missed out," reflecting the sadness of those who couldn't purchase them.

Furthermore, on the bottom of the "Kinoko no Yama Wireless Earphones" website, a teaser is displayed with the silhouette of "Takenoko no Sato" against the background of the words "TAKENOKO-NO SATO" and the phrase "COMING SOON."

A representative mentioned, "We can't disclose the details yet, but the merchandise is definitely happening. Fans of Takenoko no Sato, please look forward to it."

កាសឥតខ្សែដែលមានរូបរាងដូចនំពេញនិយមរបស់ជប៉ុន "Kinoko no Yama" ដែលបានទទួលការស្រលាញ់យូរអង្វែងបានចាប់ផ្ដើមលក់នៅថ្ងៃទី២៦វេលាថ្ងៃត្រង់ជាមួយនឹងការកំណត់ចំនួន៣៥០០គ្រឿងដែលមានលេខសៀរៀល តែបានលក់អស់ក្នុងរយៈពេលតែប៉ុន្មាននាទី ធ្វើឱ្យមានសំឡេងសោកស្តាយឡើងលើបណ្ដាញសង្គម។

កាសទាំងនេះដែលបានបង្ហោះលើបណ្ដាញសង្គមដោយក្រុមហ៊ុនផលិតកាលពីខែកក្កដាឆ្នាំមុនជា "ទំនិញដែលមើលទៅដូចជាមិនមានទេ" បានទទួលបានការឆ្លើយតបច្រើនដោយមានមនុស្សជាច្រើននិយាយថា ពួកគេចង់បានព្រោះវាគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍។ ដោយឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងការឆ្លើយតបនេះ ផលិតផលត្រូវបានអភិវឌ្ឍដោយជោគជ័យក្នុងរយៈពេលប្រមាណ៧ខែ។ ពួកគេអាចចាក់សម្លេងតន្រ្តីហើយក៏មានមុខងារបកប្រែស្វ័យប្រវត្តិដែលគាំទ្រភាសា១៤៤ (៧៤ភាសានិង៧០អាគណសន្និដ្ឋាន)។

បានលក់អស់នៅក្នុងរយៈពេល៩នាទីបន្ទាប់ពីចាប់ផ្ដើមលក់។ មានសំឡេងនៃភាពសោកស្តាយលើបណ្ដាញសង្គមដែលមានសម្ដីថា "វាលឿនណាស់" និង "ខ្ញុំបាត់បង់ហើយ" ពីអ្នកដែលមិនអាចទិញបាន។

លើសពីនេះ នៅផ្នែកខាងក្រោមនៃគេហទំព័រកាស "Kinoko no Yama Wireless Earphones" មានការបង្ហាញមុខងារដោយមានរូបសណ្ឋាននៃ "Takenoko no Sato" ជាបរិវេណខាងក្រោយនិងពាក្យ "COMING SOON"។

តំណាងបាននិយាយថា "យើងមិនអាចបង្ហាញព័ត៌មានលម្អិតបាន

Whipping Up a Delightful Bowl of Chicken Shredded Sauce Noodles: A Must-Try Recipe for Home

Whipping Up a good bowl of Chicken Shredded Sauce Noodles: រូបមន្តដែលត្រូវតែសាកល្បងសម្រាប់ផ្ទះ

In the realm of delectable home cooking, chicken shredded sauce noodles stand as a culinary delight. This dish, a harmonious blend of egg noodles and a mix of fresh ingredients, is the perfect blend of flavor and comfort.

The magic of this dish begins with the noodles, typically prepared in a mere seven to eight minutes. The key lies in the mastery of the sauce – a delightful concoction that transforms the ordinary into extraordinary. The process is unhurried, involving finely chopping fresh vegetables and meticulously mixing them with a rich, savory sauce. It's a hassle-free cooking experience, sans the sweat and toil often associated with elaborate meals.

Once the noodles are perfectly cooked, they are gently tossed with the sauce, ensuring every strand is evenly coated with its flavorsome goodness. The dish is often accompanied by a soup made in a pressure cooker, adding depth and warmth to the meal. Alternatively, a refreshing beverage can also complement this dish, making it a versatile choice for any mealtime.

This dish isn't just about tantalizing taste buds; it's a satisfying experience for all ages. Children and adults alike can find joy in each bite of these noodles, making it a wonderful choice for family meals. Whether you're looking to whip up a quick lunch or a satisfying dinner, chicken shredded sauce noodles are sure to delight. The combination of ease, taste, and satisfaction makes this dish a must-have in every home cook's repertoire.

នៅក្នុងអាណាចក្រនៃការចម្អិនអាហារតាមផ្ទះដ៏ឈ្ងុយឆ្ងាញ់ គុយទាវទឹកជ្រលក់មាន់ឈរជាអាហារដ៏រីករាយ។ ម្ហូបនេះដែលជាការលាយបញ្ចូលគ្នារវាងគុយទាវស៊ុត និងគ្រឿងផ្សំស្រស់ៗ គឺជាការលាយបញ្ចូលគ្នាដ៏ល្អឥតខ្ចោះនៃរសជាតិ និងផាសុកភាព។

ភាពអស្ចារ្យនៃម្ហូបនេះចាប់ផ្តើមជាមួយនឹងគុយទាវ ដែលជាធម្មតាត្រូវបានរៀបចំក្នុងរយៈពេលត្រឹមតែប្រាំពីរទៅប្រាំបីនាទីប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ គន្លឹះគឺស្ថិតនៅក្នុងភាពប៉ិនប្រសប់នៃទឹកជ្រលក់ ដែលជាការផ្សំដ៏រីករាយដែលបំប្លែងភាពសាមញ្ញទៅជាមិនធម្មតា។ ដំណើរការនេះគឺមិនប្រញាប់ប្រញាល់ទេ ពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងការកាប់បន្លែស្រស់ៗឱ្យល្អិតល្អន់ ហើយលាយវាជាមួយទឹកជ្រលក់ដែលមានរសជាតិឈ្ងុយឆ្ងាញ់។ វាជាបទពិសោធន៍ធ្វើម្ហូបដែលមិនមានការរំខាន មិនបែកញើស និងនឿយហត់ដែលជារឿយៗត្រូវបានផ្សារភ្ជាប់ជាមួយនឹងអាហារដ៏ឧឡារិក។

នៅពេលដែលគុយទាវត្រូវបានចម្អិនយ៉ាងល្អឥតខ្ចោះ ពួកគេត្រូវបានប្រឡាក់ជាមួយទឹកជ្រលក់ដោយថ្នមៗ ធានាថាគ្រប់ខ្សែទាំងអស់ត្រូវបានស្រោបស្មើៗគ្នាជាមួយនឹងរសជាតិឆ្ងាញ់របស់វា។ ម្ហូបនេះត្រូវបានអមដោយស៊ុបដែលផលិតក្នុងចង្ក្រានសម្ពាធ បន្ថែមជម្រៅនិងភាពកក់ក្តៅដល់អាហារ។ ម្យ៉ាងវិញទៀត ភេសជ្ជៈស្រស់ស្រាយក៏អាចបំពេញបន្ថែមមុខម្ហូបនេះផងដែរ ដែលធ្វើឱ្យវាក្លាយជាជម្រើសដ៏ច្រើនសម្រាប់គ្រប់ពេលអាហារ។

ម្ហូបនេះមិនមែនគ្រាន់តែចង់ភ្លក់រសជាតិប៉ុណ្ណោះទេ។ វា​ជា​បទពិសោធន៍​ដ៏​ពេញ​ចិត្ត​សម្រាប់​មនុស្ស​គ្រប់​វ័យ។ ក្មេងៗ និងមនុស្សធំអាចទទួលបានភាពរីករាយនៅក្នុងការខាំនីមួយៗនៃគុយទាវទាំងនេះ ដែលធ្វើឱ្យវាក្លាយជាជម្រើសដ៏អស្ចារ្យសម្រាប់អាហារគ្រួសារ។ មិនថាអ្នកចង់ញ៉ាំអាហារថ្ងៃត្រង់រហ័ស ឬអាហារពេលល្ងាចដែលពេញចិត្តនោះទេ គុយទាវទឹកក្រឡុកមាន់ប្រាកដជារីករាយ។ ការរួមបញ្ចូលគ្នានៃភាពងាយស្រួល រសជាតិ និងការពេញចិត្តធ្វើឱ្យមុខម្ហូបនេះក្លាយជាមុខម្ហូបដែលត្រូវតែមាននៅក្នុងគ្រប់មុខម្ហូបរបស់អ្នកចម្អិនម្ហូប។