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S. Korea, US, Japan Condemn N. Korea’s Satellite Launch, Weapons Shipments to Russia

South Korea, the United States and Japan have condemned North Korea’s launch of a military reconnaissance satellite and its weapons shipments to Russia as violation of UN Security Council resolutions. 

Seoul’s defense ministry said on Friday that the three nations made the statements in the 14th Defense Trilateral Talks(DTT) held virtually on Wednesday. 

The chief delegates of the three nations denounced the North’s recent diversification of nuclear delivery systems, tests and launches of multiple ballistic missiles and the launch of what the North purports to be a military reconnaissance satellite using ballistic missile technology as clear violations of UN Security Council resolutions. They also condemned the North’s illicit ship-to-ship transfers and arms shipments to Russia. 

The three sides then reaffirmed that North Korea’s seventh nuclear test, if conducted, will be met with a strong and resolute response from the international community. 

Noting Russia’s recent veto of a renewal of the mandate of a UN panel monitoring violations of sanctions on North Korea, the three sides affirmed their commitment to strengthening efforts to ensure effective sanctions implementation.

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