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False report that ‘fraud and theft often occur in the Angkor area’ emphatically rejected

The APSARA Authority and The Secretariat of the National Committee for Coordination of Information and Public Works (NCDC) have categorically refuted a false report by the discredited Cambodia Daily Khmer new outlet, that Cambodia’s iconic Angkor complex is dangerous for tourists.

The Secretariat of the National Committee for Coordination of Information and Public Works issued a statement following a defamatory story entitled ‘APSARA Authority official reveals that Cambodia is becoming a place to commit horrific thefts against tourists’ published by Cambodia Daily Khmer , that claimed that the Apsara authority workers are working in collusion with criminals to defraud tourists, saying ‘…The Cambodia Daily rebel group is always broadcasting exaggerated information distorts the truth with malicious intent, disrupts public order and pollutes society, as well as slanders the reputation and efforts of the Royal Government.

Therefore, people, please do not be confused, please stop sharing and please stop following the broadcast of this rebel group.’

In addition, the APSARA Authority  issued a statement (below), saying that ‘The APSARA Authority would like to inform the public as follows:

1- Under the wise and energetic guidance of the Prime Minister, all institutions have been working together to achieve the goal of promoting tourism, especially considering hospitality, well-being, safety and security
national and international tourists.
2- APSARA Authority has organized hospitality and first aid training for travel agencies to enable them to have sufficient resources to rescue tourists in case of accident.
3- APSARA Authority has instructed the staff, staff, labor agency and the year of APSARA Authority to adhere to professional ethics, perform their duties responsibly and absolutely avoid any immoral and illegal acts that affect tourism and national honor.
4- APSARA Authority, with the good cooperation of the tourism police, the heritage protection police always found some objects or items that tourists forgot or dropped and returned the objects or items to tourists. In case the owner or item has not been found, the APSARA Authority has also announced on social media or collaborated with the private sector on tourism to find more owners.
APSARA Authority has never received any complaints from tourists about fraud or theft at Angkor.
6. The APSARA Authority completely rejects the unprofessional broadcast of this extremist political propaganda tool, The Cambodia Daily, which distorts the facts, incites discrimination, deception that will cause false information in society.

APSARA Authority calls on the public to stop sharing such information and to share information that has a clear source and provides true information for peace in society.

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