Uniqlo will launch a special UT collection to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the anime "ONE PIECE" on July 22, available at Uniqlo stores nationwide and online.
To mark this milestone 25th anniversary, the collection features eight different T-shirts reflecting the adventures of the protagonist "Monkey D. Luffy," as well as five kids' T-shirts depicting popular characters.
The collection is themed around eight keywords: "Determination," "Companions," "Strength," "Setbacks," "Assembly," "Alliances," "The Four Emperors," and "New Chapter."
Additionally, Uniqlo has formed a global partnership with "ONE PIECE DAY 24," the world's largest "ONE PIECE" fan event, held in August. Through these T-shirts, Uniqlo will join fans worldwide in celebrating the event.
The live-action movie "Cells at Work!" is set for nationwide release in December 2024. At a production announcement held on June 11, it was revealed that Mei Nagano will star as Red Blood Cell and Takeru Satoh as White Blood Cell in a double lead role. Character visuals and a special teaser were also unveiled.
The original manga "Cells at Work!" by Akane Shimizu, serialized in Kodansha's "Monthly Shonen Sirius," gained attention for its unique and innovative setting that personifies cells. Since its serialization began in 2015, it has attracted significant attention and was selected for the French newspaper Le Monde's "Books Recommended for This Summer" list in 2017. The anime adaptation in 2018 further fueled its popularity, leading to numerous spin-offs and a total circulation of over 10 million copies.
The live-action adaptation will depict the "world's smallest story" set inside the human body on a grand scale for a Japanese film. Mei Nagano will portray the adorable protagonist, Red Blood Cell, who strives to deliver oxygen to various organs, while Takeru Satoh will play White Blood Cell (Neutrophil), a character who eliminates bacteria and viruses invading the body. Satoh will also showcase his adept action scenes as the "fighter" character.
The character visuals unveiled show Red Blood Cell with her trademark red hair and hat, and White Blood Cell with his completely white appearance. The backgrounds feature oxygen-filled cardboard boxes for Red Blood Cell and a knife for virus elimination for White Blood Cell.
The approximately one-minute teaser introduces the expansive wonderland inside the human body, where 37 trillion cells work. It also features the hopeful and spirited Red Blood Cell and the cool White Blood Cell swiftly eliminating invading bacteria. Additionally, a scene depicts an unprecedented crisis inside the body with the launch of the "Sneeze No. 1 Rocket" and Red Blood Cell's bewildered scream.
Further updates on the movie are eagerly awaited.
ភាពយន្តនិមិត្តរូប "ហាតារាគុសៃបូ" ត្រូវបានកំណត់ឱ្យចាក់បញ្ចាំងជាសកលនៅខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ 2024។ នៅក្នុងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ប្រកាសផលិតដែលបានប្រារព្ធឡើងនៅថ្ងៃទី 11 ខែមិថុនា វាត្រូវបានបង្ហាញថា Mei Nagano នឹងដើរតួជា Red Blood Cell និង Takeru Satoh នឹងដើរតួជា White Blood Cell ក្នុងតួដើរចំលង។ ពួកគេបានបង្ហាញមុខខ្លួនតុបតែងតួរនិងវិចិត្រសាស្ត្រពិសេស។
ការតុបតែងតាមរឿង "ហាតារាគុសៃបូ" ដោយ Akane Shimizu ដែលបានបោះពុម្ពនៅក្នុង Kodansha's "Monthly Shonen Sirius" ទទួលបានការចាប់អារម្មណ៍ដោយសារតែការតុបតែងដែលមានភាពឯកសារជាមួយនឹងការតុបតែងកោសិកា។ តាំងពីបានចាប់ផ្តើមបោះពុម្ពនៅឆ្នាំ 2015 វាបានទាក់ទាញការចាប់អារម្មណ៍យ៉ាងច្រើនហើយត្រូវបានជ្រើសរើសក្នុងបញ្ជីសៀវភៅសន្សំរបស់កាសែតបារាំង Le Monde's "Books Recommended for This Summer" នៅឆ្នាំ 2017។ ការបកប្រែទៅជាអាណីមេនៅឆ្នាំ 2018 បានបង្កើនសេរីភាពឱ្យកាន់តែរីកដុះដាល ហើយបាននាំឱ្យមានស្នាដៃច្រើននិងបោះពុម្ពបានជាង 10 លានច្បាប់។
ការតុបតែងជារូបភាពនិមិត្តនេះ នឹងបង្ហាញពី "រឿងតូចបំផុតរបស់ពិភពលោក" ដែលកើតឡើងនៅក្នុងខាងក្នុងរបស់មនុស្ស ដោយមានអាយធំទូលាយសម្រាប់ភាពយន្តជប៉ុន។ Mei Nagano នឹងដើរតួជាបុគ្គលិករូបស្អាត Red Blood Cell ដែលព្យាយាមដាក់អុកស៊ីសែនទៅតំបន់ផ្សេងៗ ហើយ Takeru Satoh នឹងដើរតួជា White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) ដែលបន្សាបបាក់តេរីនិងវីរុសដែលកំពុងបន្សាបក្នុងខាងក្នុងរបស់មនុស្ស។ Satoh នឹងបង្ហាញសមត្ថភាពក្នុងការតុបតែងតួរនៅក្នុងភាពយន្តដោយមានអ្វីដែលជាការតស៊ូមតមួយ។
វិចិត្រសាស្ត្រដែលបានបង្ហាញបានបង្ហាញពី Red Blood Cell ដែលមានសុទ្ធតែជាដើមចំបងពណ៌ក្រហមនិង White Blood Cell ដែលមានរាងកាយពណ៌សទាំងស្រុង។ ផ្ទាំងខាងក្រោយមានរបស់នៅក្នុងប្រអប់ដែលពេញទៅដោយអុកស៊ីសែនសម្រាប់ Red Blood Cell និងកាំបិតសម្រាប់បន្សាបវីរុសសម្រាប់ White Blood Cell។
ការបញ្ចាំងពិសេសប្រមាណ 1 នាទីនេះ បង្ហាញពីពិភពមនល្មមដែលកំពុងធ្វើការក្នុងខាងក្នុងរបស់មនុស្ស ដែលមានកោសិកាចំនួន 37 ទ្រីលានកំពុងធ្វើការ។ វាក៏បានបង្ហាញពី Red Blood Cell ដែលមានក្តីសង្ឃឹមនិងអារម្មណ៍សប្បាយ ហើយ White Blood Cell ដែលបន្សាបបាក់តេរីនិងវីរុសដែលបានចូលមក។ បន្ថែមពីនេះ មានឈុតមួយដែលបង្ហាញពីការអាសន្នដែលកំពុងកើតឡើងនៅក្នុងខាងក្នុង ហើយរ៉ុក្កែត "ចេញភ្នែក១" ត្រូវបានបាញ់ចេញ ហើយ Red Blood Cell បានដេកយ៉ាងស្រួល។
A new promotional video for the TV anime "FAIRY TAIL 100 Years Quest," based on the official sequel to Hiro Mashima's popular manga "FAIRY TAIL," has been released on YouTube, showcasing footage from the series. The promotional video begins with Natsu and the other Fairy Tail members being shocked as it is revealed that the "100 Years Quest" is to "seal a dragon." It also shows a battle scene using magic against a new enemy calling himself Diablos, as well as a giant dragon that is thought to be the target of the sealing, and a mysterious man engulfed in flames.
ការបន្តនៃគំនូរជីវចលនេះត្រូវបានប្រកាសនៅក្នុងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ពិសេស "Mash Burnedead and A Study in Cream" ដែលបានចាក់បញ្ចាំងវីដេអូខ្លីៗផងដែរ ដែលធ្វើអោយទស្សនិកជនរំភើបចិត្តយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។ ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតនៃរឿងភាគបន្តនៅតែត្រូវបានរំពឹងទុកយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។
The production of a sequel to the anime "MASHLE" has been officially confirmed. The announcement was made during a special event on May 26, where a teaser video was also released.
"MASHLE" is based on the manga by Hajime Komoto, serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" and concluded in July 2023. The manga has surpassed 10 million copies in worldwide circulation. Set in a world where magic is commonplace, the story follows Mash Burnedead, a protagonist unable to use magic, who aims to become the "Divine Visionary" of the magic school using his sheer physical strength and power.
The unique concept of "muscles × magic," along with its distinct characters, their friendships, battles, and the surreal humor that creates an engaging contrast, has gained popularity both in Japan and internationally. The TV anime aired its first season from April to July 2023 and its second season from January to March 2024. It has also expanded into various media forms, including a novelization and stage adaptations.
The continuation of the anime was announced at the special event "Mash Burnedead and A Study in Cream," which also premiered the teaser video, much to the excitement of the audience. Details of the sequel's plot remain highly anticipated.
It has been announced that the first episode of the TV anime "Re:ZERO − Starting Life in Another World − 3rd season" (Re:ZERO 3rd season), which will start airing in October, will be broadcast as a 90-minute special episode, equivalent to the four episodes of the regular broadcast. In addition, a two-week advance screening will be held at theaters nationwide from August 30th.
The second key visual has also been released. Set in the watergate city of Priestella, the long visual depicts the biggest battle in the history of Re:Zero, with Emilia's camp facing off against the camps of the royal candidates and the Witch Cult's Sin Archbishops.
In addition, the official theatrical preview for the 90-minute special first episode, which will be screened in advance from August 30th, has also been released. In addition to the new character Sirius Romanee-Conti, played by Anzai Chika, who is the Witch Cult's Sin Archbishop of "Wrath," the audio for the opening theme "Reweave" sung by Suzuki Konomi was also revealed for the first time in the video.
Additionally, Shoya Ishige will play Joshua Euclius, Kotaro Nishiyama will play Kiritaka Muse, and Kenjiro Tsuda will play Heinkel Astrea.
t ត្រូវបានប្រកាសថាវគ្គដំបូងនៃរឿង TV Anime "Re:ZERO − Starting Life in Another World - 3rd season" (Re:ZERO 3rd season) ដែលនឹងចាប់ផ្តើមចាក់ផ្សាយក្នុងខែតុលា នឹងត្រូវបានចាក់ផ្សាយជាវគ្គពិសេសរយៈពេល 90 នាទី ភាគដែលស្មើនឹងវគ្គបួននៃការផ្សាយជាប្រចាំ។ លើសពីនេះ ការចាក់បញ្ចាំងជាមុនរយៈពេលពីរសប្តាហ៍នឹងធ្វើឡើងនៅរោងភាពយន្តទូទាំងប្រទេសចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី 30 ខែសីហា។
Netflix has released its viewing report for the second half of 2023 (What We Watched: A Netflix Engagement Report), revealing that the first season of the drama series "ONE PIECE" topped the charts with a total viewing time of 541.9 million hours.
The live-action adaptation of Eiichiro Oda's popular manga "ONE PIECE" achieved a total of 71.6 million views. According to Netflix, the live-action series also boosted viewership of the anime movies and series, which were watched approximately 50 million times in the second half of the year.
"ONE PIECE," which enjoys immense popularity both in Japan and overseas, gained even more exposure by being streamed on Netflix, the world's largest video streaming service.
Additionally, the production of Season 2 has already been announced.
Netflix បានចេញផ្សាយរបាយការណ៍ការមើលរបស់ខ្លួនសម្រាប់កន្លះឆ្នាំទី 2 ឆ្នាំ 2023 (What We Watched: A Netflix Engagement Report) ដែលបង្ហាញថាអ្នកស្ដាប់រឿងភាគទី 1 នៃភាពយន្តនិមិត្តរូប "ONE PIECE" បានបណ្ដាលឱ្យមានការមើលសរុបចំនួន 541.9 លានម៉ោង។
រចនា Acguy (MSM-04 ACGUY) ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ៖ Izumi Roku Samurai Residences ទីតាំង៖ សារមន្ទីរប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ Izumi Roku (10-39 Roku-cho ទីក្រុង Izumi ខេត្ត Kagoshima)
Two Gundam manhole covers have been installed in each of Katsuta-cho, Okayama Prefecture and Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture.
In Katsuta-cho, Okayama Prefecture, the manhole covers feature Gundam and Zaku II, while in Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture, the designs depict Gundam and Acguy.
The installation of these "Gundam Manhole Covers" is part of the Gundam Manhole Project, an initiative promoted by the Bandai Namco Group in collaboration with municipalities across Japan to revitalize local communities and express the bond between Gundam fans of all generations.
The manhole covers in Katsuta-cho, Okayama Prefecture feature designs of "Gundam and the Former Katsuta District Office" and "Zaku II and Ugetsu's Sudohari Dohyo," while those in Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture showcase "Gundam and Crane Park Izumi" and "Acguy and Izumi麓 Buke Yashiki Group."
If you happen to be in the vicinity, be sure to check out these unique manhole covers!
Okayama Prefecture Katsuta-cho Gundam Manhole Cover Installation Information
Gundam (RX-78-2 GUNDAM) Design Background: Former Katsuta District Office Installation Location: JR Katsumada Station (Outdoor Waiting Area) (765-3 Katsumada, Katsuta-cho, Katsuta District, Okayama Prefecture)
Zaku II (MS-06F ZAKUI) Design Background: Ugetsu's Sudohari Dohyo Installation Location: Green Park (43 Taiheiradai, Katsuta-cho, Katsuta District, Okayama Prefecture)
Kagoshima Prefecture Izumi-shi Gundam Manhole Cover Installation Information
Gundam (RX-78-2 GUNDAM) Design Background: Crane Park Izumi Installation Location: Crane Park Izumi (1000 Bunka-cho, Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture)
Acguy (MSM-04 ACGUY) Design Background: Izumi Roku Samurai Residences Location: Izumi Roku History Museum (10-39 Roku-cho, Izumi City, Kagoshima Prefecture)
ក្នុងការប្រារព្ធខួបលើកទី 25 នៃគំនូរជីវចល Digimon ការចេញផ្សាយឡើងវិញនូវពេលវេលាពិសេសនៃ "Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!" និង "Digimon Adventure 02: Part I Digimon Hurricane Landing!! / Part II Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals" ជាលក្ខណៈទ្វេរដងនឹងចាប់ផ្តើមនៅថ្ងៃទី 9 ខែសីហា ឆ្នាំ 2024។
"Digimon Adventure: ហ្គេមសង្គ្រាមរបស់យើង!" និង "Digimon Adventure 02: Part I Digimon Hurricane Landing!! / Part II Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals" នឹងត្រូវបានចាក់ផ្សាយឡើងវិញក្នុងរយៈពេលកំណត់ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី 9 ខែសីហា នៅ Shinjuku Piccadilly និងរោងភាពយន្តផ្សេងទៀតទូទាំងប្រទេស។
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Digimon anime, a special limited-time re-release of "Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!" and "Digimon Adventure 02: Part I Digimon Hurricane Landing!! / Part II Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals" as a double feature will commence on August 9, 2024.
The Digimon anime began with the 1999 release of the movie "Digimon Adventure" and a corresponding TV series, spanning nine TV series and eighteen films, captivating children of the 2000s. It narrates the story of chosen children who wander into the Digital World and grow through their bonds with the resident Digimon, depicting battles and friendships.
This special anniversary screening is part of a revival screening project organized by Filmarks, Japan's leading movie, drama, and anime review service. The screenings aim to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Digimon anime by showcasing these films as a double feature.
Additionally, the "Anime 25th Anniversary Digimon Adventure Exhibition" will be held at Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, from August 10 to August 25. This exhibition event will be a great opportunity to delve deeper into the world of Digimon in conjunction with the movie screenings.
"Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!" and "Digimon Adventure 02: Part I Digimon Hurricane Landing!! / Part II Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals" will be re-released for a limited time starting August 9 at Shinjuku Piccadilly and other theaters nationwide.
ខណៈពេលដែល "ផលិតកម្មភាគបន្ត" ត្រូវបានប្រកាស ព័ត៌មានលម្អិតផ្សេងទៀតអំពីរឿង TV Anime "Ace of Diamond actII" នៅតែមិនបង្ហាញ។ អ្នកគាំទ្រអាចទស្សនារដូវកាលមុននៅលើវេទិកាស្ទ្រីមផ្សេងៗ ខណៈពេលដែលកំពុងទន្ទឹងរង់ចាំព័ត៌មានថ្មីៗបន្ថែមទៀត។
The continuation of the TV anime "Ace of Diamond actII" has been officially announced. With the announcement, Yuji Terajima, the creator of the series, has provided a celebratory illustration.
The anime series "Ace of Diamond" celebrated its 10th anniversary in the fall of 2023. Based on the manga by Yuji Terajima, the anime started broadcasting in 2013. It follows the story of Eijun Sawamura (voiced by Ryota Osaka) who enters the prestigious Seido High School and aims for the top of high school baseball with teammates such as Kazuya Miyuki (voiced by Takahiro Sakurai), Furuya Satoru (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki), and Haruichi Kominato (voiced by Natsuki Hanae). After airing the FIRST SEASON and SECOND SEASON, it continued with "actII" from 2019 to 2020, mirroring the original manga series.
In October 2022, the manga "Ace of Diamond actII" concluded its run in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" after about 16 years. The eagerly anticipated anime sequel has now been announced, breaking the long silence. Alongside the announcement, Terajima provided an illustration celebrating the decision to produce the sequel.
While the "sequel production" has been announced, other details about the TV anime "Ace of Diamond actII" remain undisclosed. Fans can revisit previous seasons on various streaming platforms while looking forward to more updates.
Currently available for PlayStation 4, PC, iOS, and Android.
Bleach: Brave Souls first launched in 2015 and has since achieved over 90 million downloads worldwide. It is currently available for PlayStation 4, PC, iOS, and Android with support for English, Japanese, French, and Traditional Chinese language options.
KLabGames is working on expanding its game development onto multiple platforms and devices based on a multi-purpose content strategy, in order to ensure a greater number of players worldwide have a chance to play its games.