Gundam Manhole Covers Unveiled in Okayama and Kagoshima Prefectures!

គម្រប Gundam Manhole ត្រូវបានបង្ហាញនៅក្នុងខេត្ត Okayama និង Kagoshima!

គម្របរន្ធ Gundam ពីរត្រូវបានដំឡើងនៅក្នុងខេត្ត Katsuta-cho ខេត្ត Okayama និង Izumi-shi ខេត្ត Kagoshima ។

នៅ Katsuta-cho ខេត្ត Okayama គម្រប manhole មានលក្ខណៈពិសេស Gundam និង Zaku II ខណៈដែលនៅ Izumi-shi ខេត្ត Kagoshima ការរចនាពណ៌នា Gundam និង Acguy ។

ការដំឡើង "Gundam Manhole Covers" ទាំងនេះគឺជាផ្នែកមួយនៃគម្រោង Gundam Manhole ដែលជាគំនិតផ្តួចផ្តើមមួយដែលត្រូវបានផ្សព្វផ្សាយដោយ Bandai Namco Group ដោយសហការជាមួយក្រុងនៅទូទាំងប្រទេសជប៉ុនដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យសហគមន៍មូលដ្ឋានរស់ឡើងវិញ និងបង្ហាញពីទំនាក់ទំនងរវាងអ្នកគាំទ្រ Gundam គ្រប់ជំនាន់។

រន្ធគ្របដណ្តប់នៅ Katsuta-cho ខេត្ត Okayama ការរចនាលក្ខណៈពិសេសនៃ "Gundam និងអតីតការិយាល័យស្រុក Katsuta" និង "Zaku II និង Ugetsu's Sudohari Dohyo" ខណៈពេលដែលអ្នកនៅ Izumi-shi ខេត្ត Kagoshima បង្ហាញ "Gundam and Crane Park Izumi" និង "Accuy និង Izumi Fumoto Buke Yashiki Group" ។

ប្រសិនបើអ្នកនៅជិតនោះ ត្រូវប្រាកដថាពិនិត្យមើលគម្រប manhole តែមួយគត់ទាំងនេះ!

ព័ត៌មានអំពីការដំឡើងគម្រប Manhole ខេត្ត Katsuta-cho Gundam ខេត្ត Okayama

រចនា Gundam (RX-78-2 GUNDAM)
ប្រវត្តិ៖ អតីតការិយាល័យស្រុក Katsuta
ទីតាំងដំឡើង៖ ស្ថានីយ៍ JR Katsumada (កន្លែងរង់ចាំខាងក្រៅ)
(765-3 Katsumada, Katsuta-cho, ស្រុក Katsuta, ខេត្ត Okayama)

ការរចនា Zaku II (MS-06F ZAKUI)
ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ៖ Sudohari Dohyo របស់ Ugetsu
ទីតាំងដំឡើង៖ សួនបៃតង
(43 Taiheiradai, Katsuta-cho, ស្រុក Katsuta, ខេត្ត Okayama)

ខេត្ត Kagoshima ព័ត៌មានអំពីការដំឡើងគម្រប Izumi-shi Gundam Manhole

រចនា Gundam (RX-78-2 GUNDAM)
ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ៖ ឧទ្យានសត្វក្រៀល Izumi
ទីតាំងដំឡើង៖ Crane Park Izumi
(1000 Bunka-cho, Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture)

រចនា Acguy (MSM-04 ACGUY)
ផ្ទៃខាងក្រោយ៖ Izumi Roku Samurai Residences
ទីតាំង៖ សារមន្ទីរប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ Izumi Roku
(10-39 Roku-cho ទីក្រុង Izumi ខេត្ត Kagoshima)

Two Gundam manhole covers have been installed in each of Katsuta-cho, Okayama Prefecture and Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture.

In Katsuta-cho, Okayama Prefecture, the manhole covers feature Gundam and Zaku II, while in Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture, the designs depict Gundam and Acguy.

The installation of these "Gundam Manhole Covers" is part of the Gundam Manhole Project, an initiative promoted by the Bandai Namco Group in collaboration with municipalities across Japan to revitalize local communities and express the bond between Gundam fans of all generations.

The manhole covers in Katsuta-cho, Okayama Prefecture feature designs of "Gundam and the Former Katsuta District Office" and "Zaku II and Ugetsu's Sudohari Dohyo," while those in Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture showcase "Gundam and Crane Park Izumi" and "Acguy and Izumi麓 Buke Yashiki Group."

If you happen to be in the vicinity, be sure to check out these unique manhole covers!

Okayama Prefecture Katsuta-cho Gundam Manhole Cover Installation Information

Gundam (RX-78-2 GUNDAM) Design
Background: Former Katsuta District Office
Installation Location: JR Katsumada Station (Outdoor Waiting Area)
(765-3 Katsumada, Katsuta-cho, Katsuta District, Okayama Prefecture)

Zaku II (MS-06F ZAKUI) Design
Background: Ugetsu's Sudohari Dohyo
Installation Location: Green Park
(43 Taiheiradai, Katsuta-cho, Katsuta District, Okayama Prefecture)

Kagoshima Prefecture Izumi-shi Gundam Manhole Cover Installation Information

Gundam (RX-78-2 GUNDAM) Design
Background: Crane Park Izumi
Installation Location: Crane Park Izumi
(1000 Bunka-cho, Izumi-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture)

Acguy (MSM-04 ACGUY) Design
Background: Izumi Roku Samurai Residences
Location: Izumi Roku History Museum
(10-39 Roku-cho, Izumi City, Kagoshima Prefecture)

RM Releases 2nd Solo Album ‘Right Place, Wrong Person’

RM of BTS released his second solo album 'Right Place, Wrong Person' on Friday, his first solo album since 'Indigo' in December 2022.

The album carries eleven songs, including the title track 'LOST!,' 'Right People, Wrong Place,' and 'Come back to me.' RM took part in the lyrics for all tracks.

The artist's agency Bighit Music said that the album began with RM's own question of what kind of life he would have been living if he hadn't taken this path. 

Jazz duo DOMi & JD Beck, Oh Hyuk of the band HYUKOH, Kuo Hung Tseng of Taiwanese band Sunset Rollercoaster, among others, took part in the album.

RM will release music videos and live performance videos of the album on May 28, May 30, May 31, and June 10,

He is currently serving in the military, and worked on the album before joining the army last December. RM is set to finish his mandatory military service in June, 2025.

Photo : Yonhap News

Itadaki-Jyoshi RiRichan Manual Leaked! Part3

Maiko Watanabe, a 25-year-old defendant who called herself "Itadaki Joshi Riri-chan" on social media,

was accused of defrauding three men of approximately 155 million yen by posing as a "foodie" and tricking them into giving her money under false pretenses. She was also accused of creating a "romance manual" to help others commit similar scams.

Chapter 5: Trust-Building Commitment

What is the "Innocent Serious Love" Trust-Building Commitment?

The Trust-Building Commitment is...
Giving the most special feeling conversation and actions in the world.
👴🏻 I'm glad I'm alive.

👴🏻 I have value and purpose in my existence.

👴🏻 Thanks to this child, I've discovered a reason to live.

👴🏻 I want to experience more enjoyable days with this child.

 Furthermore, becoming a "girl who can be trusted more than anyone else"
👴🏻 There's no one else as pure and trustworthy as this child.
👴🏻 I can believe anything if it's this child.

It's about making them think this way.

Innocent Serious Love's Mindset

The mindset of Innocent Serious Love includes:
👴🏻 I can do anything for this child.

👴🏻 There's no one else for me but this child.

👴🏻 I feel at ease when I'm with this child.

👴🏻 Only this child truly understands the real me.

👴🏻 My happiness comes from making this child happy.

👴🏻 I won't do anything that upsets this child.

👴🏻 I don't want this child to dislike me.

This mindset embodies Innocent Serious Love!❣️
If you can adopt this mindset, you'll naturally think, "Let me help" when you're in trouble, and above all, it helps prevent problems from arising.

Harmful Serious Love's Mindset:

👴🏻 "She loves me, so she should be willing to meet me more often, right?"

 👴🏻 "Since she loves me, it's only natural for her to listen to what I say."

👴🏻 "Why doesn't she cling to me more if she loves me?"

👴🏻 "I love her so much, why doesn't she understand that?" 💢 (Doesn't try to help with anything)

▶️▶️ Harmful Serious Love is mostly about being a selfish person who takes advantage. They use the word "love" to try to fulfill their own conditions and demands.❌

8 Points for Exchanging LINE Contacts:

⭐️ ⭐️ Whether on an app or in nightlife work, make exchanging LINE contacts feel exclusive to you 👧🏻❣️. Create a sense of uniqueness like, "Wow, this is the first time I've exchanged LINE like this on this app (at this venue) ❣️🥲, it's kind of nerve-wracking."

⭐️ Set the stage by saying, "I don't usually use LINE much, even with my friends, I reply every few days," then respond instantly to the person you're interested in, creating that special feeling.

⭐️ Make it clear that the exchange isn't for business purposes but because "I want to talk more with you," giving off that vibe.

⭐️ Ask 👧🏻 "Is it okay if we exchange LINE?" and let her respond, "Oh, is it really? I'm glad, I was worried about what to do if you said no 🥲." This sequence is a template.

⭐️ When exchanging LINE, show a bit of unfamiliarity like, "Hmm, how do I do this again... Oh, is it the QR code here? ❣️"

⭐️ Make 👧🏻 feel a little lonely by saying, "You don't seem like you'll reply to my LINE at all... Will you?" so that you can make it easy for the person to reply. (Some people don't send many messages due to being considerate.)

⭐️ After exchanging, quickly send a message like "Hey, ◯◯-kun 💗" to avoid forgetting their name. (I usually give nicknames right away.)

⭐️ If you've asked for their real name, discreetly include it in the LINE contact name, and also mention the date you met ❣️❣️. Showing that you remember their last name and the date you met when some time has passed will make them happy.

Create an atmosphere where LINE communication isn't taken for granted, but always feels special ( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ ) ❣️❣️. Make them feel like, "It's such a happy thing to receive a LINE reply from this person..." 👴🏻

💞 Trust-Building Commitment Conversation Collection 💞

Engage in these conversations in person, over the phone, or on LINE to foster trust and connection.

Pure Innocence Conversations:

⭐️ Appeal to innocence by subtly mentioning your lack of romantic experience and how special the person is to you:

"I usually avoid getting involved with men, but you're different from anyone else." ▶️ 👴🏻 ("Am I special to her? She's opened up to me...")

"What was your ex-girlfriend like?" "Oh, really... You're like a love guru ❣️ I have zero experience in love, you know..." ▶️ 👴🏻 ("Has she never had a boyfriend before?")

"Where did you go on your dates?" "Wow ❣️❣️ That sounds amazing. Someday, I dream of going to the movies with someone special." ▶️ 👴🏻 ("I'd love to make that happen for her.")

When she mentions something she wants to eat or a place she wants to go, respond with, "Oh, I've never heard of that! You're so knowledgeable, aren't you? I'd love to try it too." ▶️ 👴🏻 ("I want to teach her everything!")

Sincere Emotive Conversations:

 ⭐️ Match the emotions conveyed in her conversation with exaggerated joy, sadness, etc.:

"Today, I saw a stray cat and it was so cute, I couldn't stop watching it 🥲 I wish I could've taken it home..." ▶️ Add emotional words like "Aww," "Wow," "Yay," etc., even in text conversations.

Instead of just saying "That's interesting ❣️," express how you're feeling: "That's so interesting~ I'm laughing so hard right now 😂" or "I feel a bit embarrassed but I'm smiling 😊." ▶️ Let her know what expressions you're making while texting.

Routine-Building Conversations:

⭐️ Make daily LINE interactions enjoyable to the point where she looks forward to them:

Initially, send "Good morning," "Good job today ❣️," and "Good night" messages. Eventually, she'll start sending them too as part of her routine.

Create a sense of routine and consistency in your interactions.

Memory-Making Conversations:

⭐️ Turn every conversation into a memorable experience:

Reflect on past interactions to create shared memories and nostalgia.

Immediately after exchanging LINE contacts, if it's a meeting from nightlife, send a picture of just your hands forming a peace sign, saying "This is a commemoration of our meeting today 💗."

Give her something like a hair tie or a small accessory, saying, "This is something precious to me, I want you to have it," and wear it on your wrist if it's a hair tie. ▶️ Remind her of you whenever she sees these items. Don't let her forget.

Excitement-Inducing Conversations:

 ⭐️ Make him feel thrilled and leave a lasting impression:

"I realized that talking to you calms me down. Thank you for always being there."

"Guess what, I just woke up and I got a LINE from you ❣️"

"Listen, listen, I had a dream about you just now ❣️ We were walking the dog together~ 💗 It made me so happy."

Keep expressing the desire to meet, even if it's exaggerated. Send cute girl stickers and make her believe they represent you. ⬇️ Recommended ⬇️


Reassuring Conversation

⭐️ Let's build trust from the bottom of your heart, so that you can feel at ease when this person is around 👴🏻.

"Are you not feeling well, Oji? If anything happens, please tell me. I'll do anything for you." Say it with conviction. It doesn't cost anything to say it. Our job is to make Oji feel happy until then ❣️

"Oji, you always work so hard that I worry… You're such a hard worker." Let's occasionally say words that show concern.

"If you catch a cold, let me know, okay? I'll buy pudding or something and come to visit you~" ▶️ 👴🏻She's such a kind child... Let's make her feel like she wants me to protect her ❣️.

Showing Your Past Conversation

⭐️ Let them feel like they know everything about you by sharing your past, whether it's real experiences or fictional settings. ⭐️ Gain trust by talking about even the difficult aspects of your past, making them think, "She only shares these things with me..."

"Back when I was in middle school, I joined the art club~ I'm not great at drawing, but I love art 💗"

"I was quite sickly and couldn't go to school much, so I didn't make many friends... 🥲"

"I didn't get along well with my family from a young age and was often teased or mistreated. We don't even keep in touch now. Ah... I've never told anyone this before. Did I surprise you?"

Times Like That Conversation

⭐️ Let them know how important and special they are to you.

"If we were in the same class at school, it would've been more fun to go to school, don't you think? (laughs)"

"It would be really helpful to have someone like you around when I'm going through a tough time."

"I always try to solve problems by myself and end up making mistakes, so I want to start consulting with you from now on."

Hardworking Persona Conversation

⭐️ Don't just act helpless and rely on others for everything. Show that you're proactive and determined to succeed, so that they'll want to support you.

"Another day of work... I'm so tired, but I have tasks to do, so I'll definitely do my best ❣️"

"Something really difficult happened yesterday... There was a difficult client, but worrying about it won't help. I'll work even harder." (Gap between feeling down and feeling positive)

Fluffy Conversation

⭐️ Instead of always having deep conversations like "What did you do today? Oh really...", have more natural and fluffy conversations that express your personality. Appeal to 👧🏻(I'll show you everything about me) to shorten the distance between you and Oji.

"Hey hey~ Oji~"

"It's nothinggg!! Just wanted to call out to you, haha"

"Ehe, he, really? ՞‪⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝՞"

"I want some free timeee ( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄꒳ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ )"

Serious Appeal Conversation

 ⭐️ Don't always act like you're clueless. Show a serious side 👧🏻(I'm thinking about the future too) so that Oji takes your opinions seriously. If you act too silly, 👴🏻might take control and say, "Since Liri-chan doesn't understand anything, just listen to what I say ❣️," which might lead to him taking too much control. (If Oji is someone with a strong sense of justice, you can still assert yourself.)

"I'm studying little by little to get a qualification, even though it might take a long time."

"I may be silly, but I'm trying my best in my own way~ 🥲❣️ It's really tough, but I'm giving it my all."

"When I get the qualification, I'll report it to Oji too."

Fragile Girl Appeal Conversation

 ⭐️ This is important! By appealing as a fragile girl, you'll be forgiven for sudden "feeling unwell" statements when you can't reply during meetings or when it's inconvenient. Good Oji might worry about you and even take care of your living expenses.

"I have asthma, and I've been coughing non-stop since morning."

"I've always had less stamina than others, and I even collapsed during school trips in summer."

"My stomach has been hurting since yesterday and it won't go away... I hope it's nothing serious."

Dreamy Girl Appeal Conversation

⭐️ It's important to be a girl with hopes and dreams for the future. If Oji is a good giver, he'll think, "I'd be happy if I could support her dream," and sharing a lot about yourself is crucial for building trust and commitment in the relationship. 👧🏻 "I love fashion, so my dream is to launch my own brand someday. I don't know when it will happen, but I want to make it come true." 👧🏻 "I'm a bit embarrassed to talk about this and haven't told many people, but thank you for listening. I always think about designing clothes that everyone would like. I'll show them to Oji next time (not really)."

Future Tense Romance Conversation

 ⭐️ This is my own creation! Future tense romance conversation refers to creating plans for the future to ease Oji's anxieties and give him excitement. Instead of just lightly mentioning, "I want to go to ◯◯," it's important to vividly describe the scene and make it feel like it's already experienced. I believe that if you imagine something, it's as good as experiencing it. 😄

"I want to go to Disneyland..."

"Will Oji go with me? Someday."

"I'm so happy...!!! Going on a date there will be so much fun."

"Let's wear matching outfits. Matching look ❣️❣️"

"Let's wear headbands too. Oji will definitely look good in them, haha. I like the Sherry May one, and maybe Oji will like Duffy? 😄"

"This one ❣️(photo) This headband 💗"

"Let's take lots of photos."

Create a list of places you want to visit and things you want to do, and send it to Oji.

Conversation to Avoid Being Seen as Money-Minded

⭐️ It's crucial not to be perceived as "money-minded" during the first encounter with Oji. If you fail at the first attempt, rebuilding trust and commitment can be quite challenging. It's common for Oji to start thinking, "Is she just after my money?" after several instances of receiving from the same person. My Oji is like that too! 😄 But there are Ojis who continue giving money and those who eventually distance themselves, saying, "That's enough!"

"I only had rice balls for lunch today—delicious! I manage to get by within ¥500 for daily meals, haha."

"If I have ¥50,000 for living expenses every month, including utilities, I can manage." ▶️ Appeal that you are not attached to money by discussing how you don't spend much on yourself.

"I actually want to live in a more rural area than this." ▶️ Appeal that you want to live in a less expensive area if your current location is urban.

"While money is important, I think having someone to lean on is more crucial."

Conversation to Open Oji's Heart

 ⭐️ Don't just talk about yourself; show genuine interest in Oji's stories too. Make Oji feel like, "No one listens to me like she does," and build a relationship where he feels comfortable sharing anything.

When Oji is talking, show enthusiasm with reactions like "And then what?" or "Wow, that's amazing."

"Your stories are so interesting, and I think there's no one else like you. You're amazing."

Conversation to Ask for Things

⭐️ Oji doesn't often get asked for things, which is a bit sad. So let's be the ones to ask for things from Oji. He'll genuinely be happy.

"I want to see Oji's face, like, what expression are you making right now? I want a photo."

"I'm happy. I set your photo as the background in our LINE chat! I can chat with Oji while looking at your face." (Take a screenshot of the background and change it immediately after.)

"I want to hold hands with Oji. Like a photo of your hand. Your warm hand." (Send a photo of your own hand too.)

"Let's hold hands when we meet next time."

Reassurance Conversation

⭐️ I don't use the word "date" with Oji but create experiences similar to being in a romantic relationship. (By the way, people who say "I want to date you" tend to be Matchers or Takers. Wanting to date = wanting to make you theirs and fulfill their desires.)

"What do you think of me, Oji?"

"I'm worried you might start disliking me."

"You won't go anywhere, will you?"

"Don't leave me alone."

"I hope we can keep talking like this in the future."

"Let's make lots of memories together."

Jealousy Conversation

⭐️ Let's intentionally make Oji jealous. Oji rarely experiences being envied by a girl. Make Oji think, "I should cherish her more."

"Oji, you definitely attract a lot of attention. Are there other people you're in contact with besides me?"

"I'm sure your ex-girlfriend was beautiful too, and that makes me anxious."

"If your ex-girlfriend were to contact you now, would you go back to her?"

Conversation on Forbidden Topics

⭐️ Things you should never say to Oji:

"Have you ever been to a host club?" (Avoid bringing up host clubs or mention that you don't drink alcohol much.)

"I have a favorite male celebrity." (Especially avoid this; if you like someone, like Degawa, that's okay.)

"My LINE icon is a male idol." (It's better to use cute female models or underground idols, or your own selfies.)

Overly knowledgeable about certain topics (If you know a lot about many things and talk too much about it, Oji might question why you're not knowledgeable about specific financial matters.)

Creating a Hierarchy Conversation

 ⭐️ Establishing a hierarchy with Oji:

When Oji makes a slight mistake or doesn't keep promises, express disappointment.

"You didn't say goodnight last night, did you? I felt lonely."

"You always prefer cute girls. Even though I'm here, you don't seem to care."

"You're secretly going to a brothel again, aren't you? I don't like that."

👴🏻 "I'm sorry! That's not true! I won't do that again. I'm sorry for making you worry," make him apologize is crucial.

Voice Message Conversation

 ⭐️ If you're not good with calls, using the voice messaging feature on LINE is highly recommended! Sending messages in your own voice can deepen trust with Oji more than just text.

"Good morning! Just woke up."

"Oji, good job today! I'm tired too." Try to sound as cute as you can in your voice messages. ( ᐢ ◡ oᐢ )❣️

💗 Building Trust Commitment's Psychological Battle 💗 The conversation guide is complete! Please imitate me a lot while building trust commitment ( ᐢ ◡ oᐢ )💗 Building trust commitment is a psychological battle. Simply typing out lines or talking won't cut it ❌❌ 💗 When is the best time to say something? 💗 When will it sound more genuine and real? 💗 When will it strike deep in Oji's heart? Let's choose our words carefully.

Building trust commitment is the most important aspect of being a sugar baby. It's more about creating a relationship where Oji thinks, "I want to protect and help her," than worrying about financial matters. If someone important to you is in trouble, the instinct to help unconditionally should take priority. That's what love is about. ( ᐢ ◡ oᐢ ) Let's make Oji love us! ❣️❣️

Chiikawashi, right?

Chapter 6: Evaluating the Perfection of Trust-Building Commitment

⭐️ Trust-building commitment = Safe Genuine Love

Even when you haven't replied, they happily send follow-up messages on LINE.

When you mention feeling a bit unwell, they ask, "Is there anything I can do for you?" and offer what they can do.

They don't impose their desires (e.g., saying "I want to call you" and making unsolicited calls).

They make an effort to reply on LINE even during work.

No matter how far the distance, they suggest, "Should I come to see you?" and offer to come to your location.

When trust-building commitment is achieved and turns into safe genuine love, the preparation for acceptance is complete.❣️❣️( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )

Itadaki-Jyoshi RiRichan Manual Leaked! Part2

Maiko Watanabe, a 25-year-old defendant who called herself "Itadaki Joshi Riri-chan" on social media,

was accused of defrauding three men of approximately 155 million yen by posing as a "foodie" and tricking them into giving her money under false pretenses. She was also accused of creating a "romance manual" to help others commit similar scams.

Chapter 3: Three Types of Older Partners to Identify ❣️ Their Characteristics. Mastering this will lead to successful arrangements.

There are three types of older partners:

Taker Older Partner (Bad older partner)

Matcher Older Partner (Average)

Giver Older Partner (Good older partner)

By quickly identifying these three types of older partners, you can excel in your arrangements and receive more rewards.

①Taker Older Partner

クTaker Older Partne

⭐️ Only thinks about taking without giving anything to others.

⭐️ Probability of receiving from them: 99%, but actually not receiving anything.

⭐️ Many girls waste time getting involved with this type of older partner.

⭐️ Cut off immediately. Send a message like "Go die."


Only thinks about themselves.

Only cares about their own enjoyment, not whether the other person is having a good time.

Only focuses on fulfilling their own desires.

Believes it's okay for others to feel uncomfortable as long as they are satisfied.

Doesn't notice when others are feeling uncomfortable.

Talks down to others.

Constantly brags.

Doesn't listen to others.

Misunderstands being popular.

Has high expectations for girls.

Loves themselves.

Spends money on themselves.

When you talk about your problems, they one-up with their own "I have it harder" stories.

Sends selfies.

Their profile picture is of themselves.

Spends a lot of money on hobbies.

Even when you're sick and struggling, they'll invite you out, ignoring your situation.



Looks down on girls.

②Matcher Older Partner

is a common middle-ground type of older partner.

⭐️ They only give back what you've given them (in terms of trust-building commitment) in terms of financial returns.

⭐️ Conversely, if you give them less, they may expect less in return.

⭐️ They are easy to receive payments from, typically ranging from 500,000 to 2.5 million yen.


If you've built a strong trust-building commitment, they may think, "Since this girl always talks to me and cheers me up, I'll give her money if she's in need."

On the flip side, if your trust-building commitment is lacking, they might expect returns such as dates or other favors, thinking, "I've given her so much money, she should do something for me too."

If the trust-building commitment is insufficient, they might cut off the arrangement after giving money, thinking, "I'm done with this girl."

③Next is Giver Older Partne

Characteristics of Giver Older Partner

⭐️Prioritizes giving to others over receiving.
⭐️Doesn't prioritize receiving from others.
⭐️My high-paying older partners are all like this! 💖💖💖
⭐️Once you get this kind of partner, you can receive abundantly.
⭐️If you have a solid trust-building commitment, you can smoothly receive three-digit amounts.


Often single.

Believes in personal responsibility.

Many are regular salarymen.

Lacks fulfillment in their work, just going to the office for the sake of it.

Repeats the cycle of going to work, coming home, and sleeping every day.

Lacks dreams or aspirations.

Doesn't have a specific use for money.

Doesn't have a habit of spending much on themselves.

Feels lonely.

Craves comfort and healing.

Doesn't have many people around who listen to their stories.

Has basic cleanliness.

Not interested in the online world (like Twitter or Facebook).

Has never been popular with the opposite sex.

Has little romantic experience.

Doesn't have hobbies they're passionate about.

Has low expectations of girls.

Shows consideration.

Considers things from your perspective (like adjusting meeting places to your convenience).

Doesn't make unnecessary invitations.

Spends a lot of time alone.

Many live alone (but have received payments even if they live with family).

Responds quickly to messages on LINE because they feel lonely.

Remember to immediately cut off Taker Older Partners ❣️❣️ and keep looking for Matcher Older Partners and Giver Older Partners! (ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ) 💖💖

Chapter 4: Finding Older Partners

Here are ways to find older partners:

Night jobs

Dating apps

Marriage apps

Sugar dating apps

Meeting through daytime jobs


Family members

Adult entertainment establishments

If there's an opportunity to meet, anywhere is fine. There are many potential 'ojis' around, and everyone possesses elements of being one. ( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )
By the way, I'm also a certified 'oji' who has repeatedly given money to various people only to be ghosted. ( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )❣️❣️

What app is good?

It really depends on finding the app that suits you. I don't specify particular apps here to avoid drawing too much attention. Personally, I usually search and install the ones that appear at the top of search results, then stick with them.

Here are some types of 'ojis' that are easy to connect with on apps:

Targeting people in their 40s or older is promising.

Ojis who have just installed the app and haven't talked much with girls yet.

Profile pictures that are not too posed but rather natural selfies (front-facing, for instance).

Set income below 10 million yen.

Light hobbies that don't cost much money (like walking, public baths, etc.).

Not using too many emojis.

Initially using polite language.

Not overly familiar.

Not initiating the transition to LINE themselves."

Types of 'ojis' you should avoid engaging with on apps:

Those who immediately address you informally without respect.

Those who have a condescending attitude.

Profile pictures that show they think highly of themselves in a misconceived way.

Those who immediately use informal language.

Those who are very familiar with how dating apps work.

Those who are always online.

Those who use recycled template messages.

Those who quickly ask if you can meet.

Those who push conversations in their favor.

Those who quickly turn the conversation sexual ('I want to see your body' and similar messages).

Those who set conditions like 'Send me a photo in exchange for money' will not receive a response from me ⚠️."

To find 'ojis' at brothels?

By the way, I'm much better at and prefer finding 'ojis' at brothels than through apps.

Recommended brothels:

It's better to avoid places with excessive options. Imekura (image clubs) and SM (sadomasochism) shops tend to attract 'kuso ojis' who are solely focused on fulfilling their desired play.

Look for establishments where you can easily get customers' contact details, and avoid places that push for high-end services without guaranteeing a steady flow of clients. It's important to be mindful of the turnover rate to ensure you can obtain contacts.

A higher number of customers makes it easier to find 'giver ojis.'

I have gathered 'ojis' from budget-friendly, school-themed, and affordable delivery health (deriheru) services and soaplands.❣️❣️( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )💗💗

Types of customers easy to receive gratuities at brothels:

Customers whose play style is straightforward and calm.

Customers who bring gifts.

Customers who immediately return for repeat visits after being specifically requested.

Customers who seek comfort and relaxation more than intense play.

Customers who don't express dislike towards activities.

Customers who don't make excessive or unusual requests during play.

Customers who don't have strange fetishes.

Customers who don't say disrespectful things like 'You don't need to take a bath' (👴🏻).

Types of customers difficult to receive gratuities at brothels:

Customers who make excessive demands (such as requesting anal licking).

Customers who request additional activities even when time is almost up.

Customers who continue to touch excessively after the session is over.

Customers who ask insensitive questions like 'What's your real name?' (👴🏻).

Customers who prioritize sexual activities over conversation.

Customers who express desires for self-harm.

Customers who ask for personal contact details like LINE without hesitation.

Customers who casually suggest meeting outside the establishment.

If you encounter a customer who seems unlikely to provide gratuities during the session, it's best to maintain a reserved attitude and conserve your energy and physical effort for the next customer.

Advantages of dating apps:

Can be done from home.

There is a chance of receiving gratuities without meeting in person (I have experienced this).

There are overwhelmingly more difficult customers, so it's challenging to find generous ones.

Disadvantages of dating apps:

Building trust and commitment takes time when starting from a text-only relationship without meeting.

If you receive gratuities without meeting, they tend to be lower amounts, often below 500,000 yen.

The total gratuities from one person are usually lower compared to those from meeting in person.

Advantages of night work (hostess work):

Meeting at the establishment already establishes trust and rapport due to face-to-face interaction, eye contact, conversational tone, and physical proximity.

You can earn income from the establishment while looking for generous clients.

Disadvantages of night work:

Requires physical stamina.

Switching between the persona at work and when receiving gratuities can be challenging.

If you're looking for substantial gratuities, night work is definitely better. Personally, I quit working at the establishment once I find a generous client and continue receiving gratuities from them. As a result, I have long breaks between shifts.( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )

Itadaki-Jyoshi RiRichan Manual Leaked! Part1

Maiko Watanabe, a 25-year-old defendant who called herself "Itadaki Joshi Riri-chan" on social media,

was accused of defrauding three men of approximately 155 million yen by posing as a "foodie" and tricking them into giving her money under false pretenses. She was also accused of creating a "romance manual" to help others commit similar scams.


On April 22, 2024, the Nagoya District Court sentenced Watanabe to nine years in prison and an 8 million yen fine. The judge stated that Watanabe's crimes were "extremely cunning and took advantage of the psychology of her victims. Her motive of wanting to contribute to the host club's sales was selfish."


Between March 2021 and August 2023, Watanabe approached three men in Nagoya, all in their 50s, by expressing romantic interest in them. She then lied to them about being in financial difficulty and defrauded them of money. She used the money to pay for host club fees and luxury goods.

Watanabe also created and sold a "romance manual" based on her own experiences. The manual included instructions on how to select targets and how to scam them out of money.


The case highlighted the sophistication of scams involving online dating and the large number of victims. It also raised awareness of the tactics used in romance scams and prompted calls for prevention measures.

We found the manual RiRi-chan made! Below is the content.

Riri-chan, the top girl who earns 10 million yen a month【Manual to help everyone earn money】


2022-05-29 12:57

Hello! ( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )💗💗
It's Riri-chan!❣️❣️

A brief self-introduction.

I am Riri-chan, a Twitter user who grew up with abusive parents, didn't graduate high school, couldn't study, and has been obsessed with host clubs in Kabukicho for four years since I was 20. I used to be homeless, always behind on payments, and am socially awkward. ❣️( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )

People who should read this manual.

💟 Girls obsessed with host clubs
💟 Girls engaged in sugar daddy activities
💟 Girls with daytime jobs
💟 Girls with nighttime jobs
💟 Girls who want to earn a lot of money
💟 Girls who want to increase their earnings
💟 (For men who want to share this with girls) Hosts, scouts, pick-up artists, and men are also welcome! ❣️


Skills I want everyone to develop from reading this manual:

The Ability to Earn More Money
→I want you to be able to earn more money and fulfill your dreams. ❣️ By learning my methods, I hope you will be able to earn more and shine brighter. Earning more money will help you realize "I can earn this much!" and recognize your own value, leading to greater confidence. ❣️❣️

The Ability to Read People's Minds
→Think and act from the perspective of the "old man" (a colloquial term possibly referring to a benefactor or sugar daddy). ❣️ This is very important for receiving money. When you can quickly sense what the old man is thinking and act accordingly, you'll understand how to make him give you money. Essentially, doing what makes the old man happy will lead to receiving rewards.❣️❣️

Adaptability in Kind Communication
→(I really couldn't talk to people when I was a child‪‪( ´•̥  ̫ •̥` ). How can you calmly talk to the "old man" and build a trusting relationship, to the extent that he opens his heart and trusts you enough to give you money? I want you to learn this from me. ❣️❣️

The Ability to Appear as a 'Girl Who Needs Help'
→I'm not cute and my specs are low. However, I have managed to build such a strong relationship of trust that the old man thinks, "She's the only one for me," "I don't want to let go of her," "I would give up my life for her." This has led to receiving large sums of money. Learn from this manual how to make the old man feel like he wants to help you and give you money.❣️❣️

The Power to Make Someone Fall Seriously in Love
→Create many harmless serious lovers who genuinely like you. Make them truly fall in love with you. While a harmful serious lover (👴🏻💩) might constantly demand to meet and be selfishly insistent, creating harmless serious lovers leads them to think, "I don't want Riri-chan to dislike me, so I’ll refrain from such comments..." and thus, they can be nurtured into good old men 💗💗❣️❣️( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )

Why I Earn Money

I am infamously obsessed with host clubs (4 years running) ( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )❣️❣️. Going to a host club means needing an unrealistically large sum of money every month (over 1 million yen) ( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ ). At the same time as becoming obsessed with host clubs, I was working relentlessly in soaplands and health services.

Anyway, I'm not suited for the sex industry and I can't earn enough money, I'm always short of money! ❣️❣️❣️( ´•̥ ̫ •̥` ) When I first started getting obsessed with host clubs, my earnings in the sex industry were like this ⬇️⬇️

うAh‪( ´•̥  ̫ •̥` )
With this... I can't even afford champagne! ❣️❣️ I hate being outdone ❣️❣️. For someone as competitive as me, it feels like the end of the world.

Furthermore, I have atopic dermatitis, so going to work every day made my skin turn bright red. It was so embarrassing that it was painful even to meet with my clients.‪‪( ´•̥  ̫ •̥` )❣️❣️❣️❣️

The Trigger for Becoming a Successful Girl Who Receives Gifts Me👧🏻: "I'm going to get money from all the old men in my LINE contacts that I've gathered from working so far! ❣️❣️"

Frustrated that I couldn't earn enough, I, then 20 years old, decided to bombard these older men with LINE messages asking, "Please give me money" 😂( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )❣️❣️.

At first, I had no idea what to say to actually get them to give me money... Most of the time, they would just respond with "What are you talking about?" But gradually, I started thinking, "What can I say to make them want to give me money?" and managed to adapt my approach. About a week later, I successfully received money from one of them! ❣️❣️

My first successful request for money! ❣️ I was trembling.

My Average Earnings from Requests After my first successful request, I thought, "I can do even more! ❣️" This newfound confidence led me to persist despite numerous failures, facing terrible men, and even while crying, I continued to ask for money. As a result...

At age 20, in my first year, I averaged 150,000 yen per month.

I was happy to become trusted enough to handle transactions on my own and it made earning money enjoyable. (´•̥ ̫ •̥`)

At age 21, in my second year, I averaged between 150,000 to 250,000 yen per month (with a peak of 500,000 yen).

At age 21, in my second year, I averaged between 150,000 to 250,000 yen per month (with a peak of 500,000 yen).

I was thrilled and excited the first time I was able to put a lot of brandy decorations. (´•̥ ̫ •̥`) I started going to the host club every day.

At age 22, in my third year, I averaged between 200,000 to 250,000 yen per month, with a peak of 700,000 yen.

As I became able to receive more and more, I gained a lot of confidence, thinking, "I can do it! ❣️" (´•̥ ̫ •̥`)

23 years old, 4th year, achieved 1000 five times!❣️❣️ (Maximum 1500)

The year I first managed to handle a 10 million yen account ❣️❣️❣️ I was truly, truly, truly happy, it broadened my world, and above all, I was so happy to please my client. (´•̥ ̫ •̥`) I worked tirelessly, relentlessly, and vigorously.

At age 24, entering my fifth year, I managed to accumulate 27 million yen over three months. 💗💗( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )

Earning such a large amount was incredibly tough, and I ended up being hospitalized for a month due to the stress, but it was the first time I managed to save up so much, and it was fun ❣️ Although I didn't reach my target amount, my client was able to achieve their personal best record, which made me very happy. ‪‪( ´•̥ ̫ •̥` ) From now on, I'll keep working even harder ❣️❣️❣️

Let's work hard together.( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )❣️❣️❣️💢💢

What is '頂き女子'(Itadaki-Jyoshi)? How does it differ from 'パパ活' (sugar dating)?

The image of 'パパ活'.

This is my interpretation.‪‪( ´•̥  ̫ •̥` )

In sugar dating (パパ活), it's common for the sugar baby and sugar daddy to discuss activities like meals, dates, and the monthly amount of financial support to be provided, often in tens of thousands of yen. This discussion usually happens before meeting, and then the sugar baby receives money during the meeting. The first meeting after connecting on the app is often referred to as a "face-to-face" meeting, where the sugar baby may receive between 5,000 to 30,000 yen. On the other hand, there's no initial meeting payment for luxury dining companionships (頂き女子).❣️

I created luxury dining companionships.


Luxury dining companionships involve a relationship where the older partner and the girl are in an equal relationship. However, from the perspective of the older partner, the girl is a shining and important presence. Here's a brief explanation of luxury dining companionships:
①Build a trusting relationship and commit to the older partner.

②Turn the older partner into a harmless and genuine love interest.

③When in need, let the older partner express a desire to help and receive money.

For a more detailed explanation, especially for inexperienced girls starting from scratch, and to help girls currently in luxury dining companionships get even more from their arrangements, I've written a thorough guide below.💗💗❣️( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )


ちIkawakoro, su.


❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Luxury Dining Companionships Routine❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Chapter 1: Setting Goals❣️❣️

The first important step is "setting goals" ( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ ) ❣️❣️ It's not just about casually thinking, "I want some money," or "It's trendy, so I'll give it a try." Making money successfully requires more than just these simple thoughts ‪‪( ´•̥ ̫ •̥` ) ❣️❣️

Girls who have motivation and determination towards their "goals" can get lots of rewards.❣️❣️

The reasons I would like to receive money are:

・I want to make my favorite artist number one no matter what. They are my only favorite. I will definitely support them the most.
・I want to undergo plastic surgery to become cute and have a fresh start. I want to wear cute clothes, do cute makeup, and show everyone how great I look.
・I want to get my hands on desired luxury items and feel glamorous. I have a lot of things I want. I want to buy everything.
・I want to finish paying off my school fees and be free. I want to devote myself more to what I love.
・I want to gather a lot of money to spend on my favorite idol.

The skills I want to develop as a luxury dining companion are:

・Talk skills to manipulate the older partner.
・Ability to discern what the older partner is thinking.
・Ability to make the older partner think, "I'll do anything for this girl."

Let's decide on a target amount. The optimal target amount ranges from 1,000 yen to 10 million yen.

⭕️ For beginners who have never received any payments, aiming for amounts in increments of 1,000 yen is recommended. This helps them understand how the process of receiving money works.

⭕️ For girls who have grasped how the process works, aiming for amounts between 100,000 to 500,000 yen is suggested.

⭕️ Girls who have succeeded in receiving payments multiple times and have learned patterns like how to make the older partner happy or when they are likely to offer money, can aim for amounts between 500,000 to 2 million yen.

⭕️ Girls who have built strong trust relationships, have excellent judgment of the older partner, and provide excellent aftercare can aim for amounts between 2 million to 5 million yen.

⭕️ Girls who have developed skills to make the older partner genuinely love them and think highly of them, to the extent that the older partner would do anything for them, can aim for amounts between 5 million to 10 million yen.

By the way, my goal is to prioritize my favorite artist no matter what. I continue to strive for a monthly goal of 10 million yen, even if it means my mental state gets a bit messy and worn out.( ᐢ o̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ ᐢ )❣️❣️💢💢

Chapter 2: My "Girls Who Make You Want to Help Them" Character Setting

Theme: Pure and innocent girls👧🏻💞

Past Background :

Estranged from family (past domestic violence).

Both mother and father were involved in affairs.

Resistance towards marriage due to witnessing family issues.

Older sister was present but did not offer any help despite experiencing domestic violence.

Has not been in contact with family for a long time.

Left home at 18 to live alone because disliked being at home.

Started living alone but lacks financial planning, leading to a tight budget lifestyle.

Lacks reliable relatives.

Attended a fashion school but dropped out due to insufficient funds.

Personality Traits:

Uncomfortable around men.

Can't make eye contact with men.

Trauma related to men.

First time naturally conversing was with the older partner.

Never had a proper boyfriend.

Been confessed to but rejected all proposals.

Secretly wishes to go back to fashion school.

Dreams of becoming a designer and creating a clothing brand.

Dislikes relying on others.

Tries to solve problems independently but often fails.

No one to consult with.

Dislikes seeking advice.

Few friends.

Struggles to make friends.

Didn't attend school regularly.

Can't say no when asked for help.


Wants to explore different places.

Doesn't spend money on herself.

Manages to live on a tight budget of around 70,000 yen.

Wants to live a normal life.

Frail health.

Emotionally vulnerable.

Living Situation:

If meeting through night work, has dormitory accommodation where others cannot enter without permission.

If meeting through dating apps, lives in company-provided housing with similar rules.


Neat and clean.

Default dark hair.

Minimalistic nail art. Avoids intricate designs.

Light makeup. Avoids bold red lipstick.

Wears fluffy white clothes, avoids all-black outfits.

Doesn't wear overly flashy shoes or accessories.

Doesn't flaunt wearing luxury brand items.


Always wears a smile.

Nods frequently.

Shows genuine interest in conversations.

Makes eye contact.

Occasionally initiates light physical contact like touching shoulders.

Maintains a suitable distance in relationships, not overly clingy but enough to make the older partner want to chase after her.

Kiyo to hold solo concert at Tokyo Dome [Kiyo’s Higashi-Kiyo Dome in TOKYO DOME]

On May 18, Kiyo, a game commentary YouTuber, updated his X (formerly Twitter) account. He announced that he will be holding a solo concert "Kiyo's Higashikiyodome in TOKYO DOME" at Tokyo Dome on October 31.

Kiyo announced, calling it a "super important announcement," and said, "Kiyo will hold a solo concert at Tokyo Dome!!!!!!" She continued, "Let's have a blast for our 15th anniversary!" and added, "I hope to continue having fun with you all. Cheer up."

Kiyo, who will be celebrating her 15th anniversary in 2024, had said, "On May 18th, I, Kiyo, will make a personal announcement to everyone."

នៅថ្ងៃទី 18 ខែឧសភា Kiyo ដែលជាអ្នកអត្ថាធិប្បាយហ្គេម YouTuber បានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពគណនី X របស់គាត់ (អតីត Twitter) ។ គាត់បានប្រកាសថាគាត់នឹងរៀបចំការប្រគុំតន្ត្រីទោល "Kiyo's Higashikiyodome in TOKYO DOME" នៅ Tokyo Dome នៅថ្ងៃទី 31 ខែតុលា។

Kiyo បានប្រកាសដោយហៅវាថាជា "ការប្រកាសដ៏សំខាន់" ហើយបាននិយាយថា "Kiyo នឹងរៀបចំការប្រគុំតន្ត្រីទោលនៅ Tokyo Dome!!!!!!" នាង​បាន​បន្ត​ថា "​សូម​ឱ្យ​មាន​ការ​ផ្ទុះ​ឡើង​សម្រាប់​ខួប 15 ឆ្នាំ​របស់​យើង!" ហើយបានបន្ថែមថា "ខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថានឹងបន្តរីករាយជាមួយអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នា។ លើកទឹកចិត្ត"។

Kiyo ដែលនឹងប្រារព្ធខួបលើកទី 15 របស់នាងនៅឆ្នាំ 2024 បាននិយាយថា "នៅថ្ងៃទី 18 ខែឧសភា ខ្ញុំ Kiyo នឹងធ្វើការប្រកាសផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនដល់អ្នករាល់គ្នា" ។

Justin Bieber and pregnant wife Hailey visit Kyoto

Justin Bieber is visiting Japan with Hailey Bieber, who recently announced that she is pregnant.

Justin and Hailey Bieber, who married in South Carolina in 2018, recently surprised the world when they announced on Instagram that Hailey is pregnant with their first child.

According to People, Hailey is already six months pregnant, and her and Justin's first child is said to be born around the end of summer.

And now, Justin and Hailey have come to Japan. The last time the two will visit Japan is in September 2023. At the time, the trip was for Hailey, who serves as a global ambassador for Tiffany & Co., to attend an event in Japan and to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary.

Justin and Hailey were spotted in Kyoto, walking around the city and at Murakami Takashi's solo exhibition "Murakami Takashi: Mononoke Kyoto" at the Kyoto City Kyocera Museum of Art.

Red Hot Chili Peppers are currently in Japan for a tour, and Hailey's friend Stella Maxwell is also in the country. Will the two celebrities meet up in Japan?

Justin Bieber កំពុងទៅលេងប្រទេសជប៉ុនជាមួយ Hailey Bieber ដែលថ្មីៗនេះបានប្រកាសថានាងមានផ្ទៃពោះ។

Justin និង Hailey Bieber ដែលបានរៀបការនៅរដ្ឋ South Carolina ក្នុងឆ្នាំ 2018 ថ្មីៗនេះបានធ្វើឱ្យពិភពលោកភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលនៅពេលដែលពួកគេបានប្រកាសនៅលើ Instagram ថា Hailey មានផ្ទៃពោះកូនដំបូងរបស់ពួកគេ។

យោងតាម ​​People បានឲ្យដឹងថា Hailey មានផ្ទៃពោះប្រាំមួយខែហើយ ហើយកូនច្បងរបស់ Justin ត្រូវបានគេនិយាយថានឹងកើតនៅចុងរដូវក្តៅ។

ហើយពេលនេះ Justin និង Hailey បានមកដល់ប្រទេសជប៉ុនហើយ។ លើកចុងក្រោយដែលអ្នកទាំងពីរនឹងទៅលេងប្រទេសជប៉ុនគឺនៅខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ 2023។ នៅពេលនោះ ដំណើរកម្សាន្តនេះគឺសម្រាប់ Hailey ដែលបម្រើការជាទូតសកលសម្រាប់ Tiffany & Co. ដើម្បីចូលរួមក្នុងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍មួយក្នុងប្រទេសជប៉ុន និងដើម្បីប្រារព្ធខួបអាពាហ៍ពិពាហ៍លើកទី 5 របស់ពួកគេ។

Justin និង Hailey ត្រូវ​បាន​គេ​ប្រទះ​ឃើញ​នៅ Kyoto ដោយ​ដើរ​ជុំវិញ​ទីក្រុង និង​នៅ​ក្នុង​ការ​តាំង​ពិព័រណ៍​ទោល​របស់ Murakami Takashi "Murakami Takashi: Mononoke Kyoto" នៅ​សារមន្ទីរ Kyocera City Kyoto។

Red Hot Chili Peppers បច្ចុប្បន្ន​កំពុង​នៅ​ប្រទេស​ជប៉ុន​សម្រាប់​ដំណើរ​កម្សាន្ត ហើយ​មិត្តភ័ក្តិ​របស់ Hailey គឺ Stella Maxwell ក៏​នៅ​ក្នុង​ប្រទេស​នេះ​ដែរ។ តើ​តារា​ល្បី​ទាំង​ពីរ​នឹង​ជួប​គ្នា​នៅ​ជប៉ុន​ទេ?

Represent Fox announces DJ Maru’s departure; two out of five members have left this year

On the 19th, the four-member DJ group Repezen Foxx updated their official X (formerly Twitter) account. They announced that member DJ Maru had left the group as of the same day.

X released a document titled "Notice of Member's Departure." They announced, "To everyone who has always supported Repezen Foxx, DJ Maru, who joined in October 2017, will be leaving Repezen Foxx as of May 19th, 2024," and apologized, "We sincerely apologize to all the fans who support us on a daily basis and to all the people involved who have helped us, for this sudden announcement."

នៅថ្ងៃទី 19 ក្រុមឌីជេដែលមានសមាជិកបួននាក់ Repezen Foxx បានធ្វើបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពគណនី X ផ្លូវការរបស់ពួកគេ (អតីត Twitter) ។ ពួក​គេ​បាន​ប្រកាស​ថា​សមាជិក DJ Maru បាន​ចាក​ចេញ​ពី​ក្រុម​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ដដែល។

X បានចេញផ្សាយឯកសារមួយដែលមានចំណងជើងថា "សេចក្តីជូនដំណឹងអំពីការចាកចេញរបស់សមាជិក" ។ ពួកគេបានប្រកាសថា "ចំពោះអ្នកគ្រប់គ្នាដែលតែងតែគាំទ្រ Repezen Foxx, DJ Maru ដែលបានចូលរួមនៅក្នុងខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ 2017 នឹងចាកចេញពី Repezen Foxx នៅថ្ងៃទី 19 ខែឧសភា ឆ្នាំ 2024" ហើយបានសុំទោសថា "យើងសូមអភ័យទោសដោយស្មោះចំពោះអ្នកគាំទ្រទាំងអស់ដែលគាំទ្រពួកយើងនៅលើ ជា​មូលដ្ឋាន​ប្រចាំ​ថ្ងៃ និង​ចំពោះ​អ្នក​ពាក់ព័ន្ធ​ទាំងអស់​ដែល​បាន​ជួយ​យើង​សម្រាប់​ការ​ប្រកាស​ភ្លាមៗ​នេះ»។

SEVENTEEN’s Jeonghan and Wonwoo form a new unit! First single “THIS MAN” to be released on June 17th

A new unit is being born from SEVENTEEN.

Today (20th), their agency Pledis Entertainment released the concept teaser video for Jeonghan and Wonwoo's first single, "JEONGHAN X WONWOO 1ST SINGLE ALBUM 'THIS MAN' -The City," through SEVENTEEN's official SNS and HYBE Labels' YouTube channel.

According to the video, Jeonghan and Wonwoo will release their first single, "THIS MAN," on June 17th.

អង្គភាពថ្មីកំពុងកើតចេញពី SEVENTEEN ។

ថ្ងៃនេះ (ថ្ងៃទី 20) ភ្នាក់ងាររបស់ពួកគេ Pledis Entertainment បានបញ្ចេញវីដេអូខ្លីៗសម្រាប់បទចម្រៀងដំបូងរបស់ Jeonghan និង Wonwoo ដែលមានចំណងជើងថា "JEONGHAN X WONWOO 1ST SINGLE ALBUM 'THIS MAN' -The City" តាមរយៈបណ្តាញ YouTube ផ្លូវការរបស់ SEVENTEEN និង HYBE Labels' ។

យោងតាមវីដេអូ Jeonghan និង Wonwoo នឹងចេញបទចម្រៀងដំបូងរបស់ពួកគេ "THIS MAN" នៅថ្ងៃទី 17 ខែមិថុនា។

The Boy and the Heron Behind the Scenes Documentary to be Released On July 3!

A documentary giving behind-the-scenes insights into legendary anime director Hayao Miyazaki's The Boy and the Heron is set to be released in Japan on July 3!

Titled Hayao Miyazaki to Aosagi to... ~Kimi tachi wa Dou Ikiru ka, the documentary was originally broadcast by NHK in December 12 as part of the Professionals documentary series. The DVD and Blu-ray release is a re-edited piece that includes previously unreleased footage.

The documentary will be released alongside The Boy and the Heron's Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD versions, as well as a collection of every single theatrical film directed by Miyazaki. Each film has been HD remastered, and his 1995 music video for "On Your Mark" is also included as a bonus.

Featuring music by Joe Hisaishi, the film premiered in Japan on July 14, 2023, without any traditional publicity, leaving fans with only an official poster. It then made its international premiere on September 7 of the same year at the Toronto International Film Festival, going on to win Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli their second Oscar.

Soma Santoki stars as Mahito Maki alongside Masaki Suda as the Grey Heron and Aimyon as Himi.

For the English dub, Luca Padovan stars as Mahito alongside Christian Bale as Shoichi, Dave Bautista as the Parakeet King, and Gemma Chan as Natsuko.

Hayao Miyazaki to Aosagi to... ~Kimi tachi wa Dou Ikiru ka will be on sale in Japan from July 3, 2024, for 5,170 yen (Blu-ray, tax included) and 4,180 yen (DVD, tax included).