កម្តៅថ្មីក្នុងស៊េរី “រోహាន គីស៊ីបេ មិនល្ហិច” នឹងចេញផ្សាយនៅថ្ងៃទី 23 ខែឧសភា

កម្តៅថ្មីនៅក្នុងស៊េរី រ roh an Kishibe មិនល្ហិច ដែលមានចំណងជើងថា រ roh an Kishibe មិនល្ហិច: បន្ទប់សុីត នឹងចេញផ្សាយនៅថ្ងៃទី 23 ខែឧសភា។ ភាពយន្តនេះបញ្ជាក់ពីប៉ុន្មានភាគដែលមានប្រជាប្រិយភាពបំផុតនៃស៊េរីនេះ ការប្រឡងសំដៅទៅកាន់ពិភពនៃរឿងដែលធ្វើអោយវាត្រឡប់ទៅដល់ចំណុចដើម និងជាការបង្កើតគោលបំណងថ្មីដោយកត់ត្រាចងចាំពិភពក្នុងរាជធានីវ៉ែន។ ដើម្បីកត់ចំណាំការប្រកាសនេះ មានរូបភាពទីស៊ែរបីបែប និងវីដេអូឯកសារពិសេសបានបង្ហាញ។ ព័ត៌មានពីក្រុមតួឧទ្ទិសប្រើរួមជាមួយ Issei Takahashi និង Marie Iitoyo ត្រូវបានផ្សាយដែរ។
“រ roh an Kishibe មិនល្ហិច” គឺជាការបញ្ជាក់នៅលើការផលិតថ្មីនៃស៊េរីហ្គ្រោនមួយដែលមានជាប់ពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងគ្រួសារសំបូរនៅក្នុងសៀវភៅដែលសូមយកឲ្យបាននូវការរើសទំព័រនៃដំណើរការតំលៃការរចនាប្រចាំប្រជារៀងនៃប្រជាជនសេរី JoJo’s Bizarre Adventureដែលមានចំនួនរៀងបង្ហាញបន្តិចទៅលើកន្លែងបង្អួច។ The title is planned to be released
The latest live-action film in the “Rohan Kishibe Does Not Move” series, titled Rohan Kishibe Does Not Move: Confession Room, will be released on May 23. This film adapts one of the most popular episodes of the series, returning to the roots of the story, and marks a groundbreaking feat as the first Japanese film to be fully shot on location in Venice. To coincide with the announcement, two teaser visuals and a special preview video have been unveiled. Comments from the cast, including Issei Takahashi and Marie Iitoyo, as well as from the production staff, have also been released.
“Rohan Kishibe Does Not Move” is a live-action adaptation of a spin-off from Hirohiko Araki’s hugely popular comic JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, which boasts a total circulation of over 120 million copies. The series follows the eccentric manga artist Rohan Kishibe, who possesses the unique ability known as “Heaven’s Door,” allowing him to read a person’s life story and secrets by turning them into a book, even writing commands into their lives. Rohan uses this ability to confront bizarre events.
Issei Takahashi stars as Rohan Kishibe, with the first season (episodes 1-3) airing in December 2020, the second season (episodes 4-6) in December 2021, and the third season (episodes 7-8) in December 2022. Each season became a social media sensation, trending on Twitter (now X) and receiving widespread praise from JoJo fans for its high production value and ideal adaptation of the source material.
Following the success and fan response, the live-action team regrouped for the movie Rohan Kishibe Goes to the Louvre, released on May 26, 2023. The film became a massive hit, drawing over 900,000 viewers and grossing approximately 1.25 billion yen in box office revenue. In May 2024, the fourth season of the series will air, with episode 9 titled “Poaching Coast,” once again igniting social media trends in the wake of its broadcast.