False report that ‘fraud and theft often occur in the Angkor area’ emphatically rejected

The APSARA Authority and The Secretariat of the National Committee for Coordination of Information and Public Works (NCDC) have categorically refuted a false report by the discredited Cambodia Daily Khmer new outlet, that Cambodia’s iconic Angkor complex is dangerous for tourists.

The Secretariat of the National Committee for Coordination of Information and Public Works issued a statement following a defamatory story entitled ‘APSARA Authority official reveals that Cambodia is becoming a place to commit horrific thefts against tourists’ published by Cambodia Daily Khmer , that claimed that the Apsara authority workers are working in collusion with criminals to defraud tourists, saying ‘…The Cambodia Daily rebel group is always broadcasting exaggerated information distorts the truth with malicious intent, disrupts public order and pollutes society, as well as slanders the reputation and efforts of the Royal Government.

Therefore, people, please do not be confused, please stop sharing and please stop following the broadcast of this rebel group.’

In addition, the APSARA Authority  issued a statement (below), saying that ‘The APSARA Authority would like to inform the public as follows:

1- Under the wise and energetic guidance of the Prime Minister, all institutions have been working together to achieve the goal of promoting tourism, especially considering hospitality, well-being, safety and security
national and international tourists.
2- APSARA Authority has organized hospitality and first aid training for travel agencies to enable them to have sufficient resources to rescue tourists in case of accident.
3- APSARA Authority has instructed the staff, staff, labor agency and the year of APSARA Authority to adhere to professional ethics, perform their duties responsibly and absolutely avoid any immoral and illegal acts that affect tourism and national honor.
4- APSARA Authority, with the good cooperation of the tourism police, the heritage protection police always found some objects or items that tourists forgot or dropped and returned the objects or items to tourists. In case the owner or item has not been found, the APSARA Authority has also announced on social media or collaborated with the private sector on tourism to find more owners.
APSARA Authority has never received any complaints from tourists about fraud or theft at Angkor.
6. The APSARA Authority completely rejects the unprofessional broadcast of this extremist political propaganda tool, The Cambodia Daily, which distorts the facts, incites discrimination, deception that will cause false information in society.

APSARA Authority calls on the public to stop sharing such information and to share information that has a clear source and provides true information for peace in society.

Disney Cruise Announces Plans for Launch in Japan, Scheduled to Begin Service in 2028

Oriental Land, the operator of Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea, has announced the signing of a licensing agreement with Disney Enterprises, Inc. (hereafter referred to as Disney) for a cruise business based in Japan. The shipbuilding will commence in the 2025 fiscal year, with the aim of launching the cruise in the 2028 fiscal year.

Oriental Land decided to embark on this project because they foresee growth in the Japanese cruise market and can leverage their operational know-how from their theme park and hotel businesses, as well as their established trust with Disney. Thus, they planned the Disney Cruise based in Japan, leading to this licensing agreement.

The investment for construction and preparation costs is approximately 330 billion yen. The ship is planned to have around 1,250 rooms and a passenger capacity of about 4,000 people. The cruise will primarily operate short-term routes departing from and arriving at ports in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Passengers can enjoy a "dreamlike voyage" with a variety of dining options, hospitality services, and entertainment provided by Disney in the extraordinary setting of the ship.

The cruise will be all-inclusive, covering accommodations, character interactions, a wide range of dining options, pools, and recreational activities, with the exception of some experiences and meals. The standard price is expected to be between 100,000 to 300,000 yen per person.

ក្រុមហ៊ុន Oriental Land ដែលជាអ្នកប្រតិបត្តិការនៃ Tokyo Disneyland និង Tokyo DisneySea បានប្រកាសពីការចុះហត្ថលេខាលើកិច្ចសន្យាអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណជាមួយ Disney Enterprises, Inc. (ហៅថា ក្រុមហ៊ុន Disney) សម្រាប់អាជីវកម្មលំនៅនាវាចាក់មូលនៅប្រទេសជប៉ុន។ ការសាងសង់នឹងចាប់ផ្តើមនៅឆ្នាំសាធារណៈកិច្ច 2025 និងមានគោលដៅក្នុងការចូលដំណើរការនៅឆ្នាំសាធារណៈកិច្ច 2028។

ក្រុមហ៊ុន Oriental Land បានសម្រេចចិត្តចាប់ផ្តើមគម្រោងនេះដោយសារតែពួកគេប្រមាណថាទីផ្សារលំនៅនាវាចាក់មូលនៅប្រទេសជប៉ុននឹងមានកំណើន និងអាចប្រើប្រាស់បទពិសោធន៍ក្នុងការប្រតិបត្តិការទីសាលកំសាន្ត និងអាជីវកម្មសណ្ឋាគាររបស់ពួកគេ ក៏ដូចជាការជឿជាក់ដែលបានបង្កើតជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុន Disney។ ដូច្នេះពួកគេបានរៀបចំនាវាដឹកជញ្ជូន Disney ចាក់មូលនៅប្រទេសជប៉ុន និងធ្វើឱ្យមានការចុះហត្ថលេខាលើកិច្ចសន្យាអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណនេះ។

ការវិនិយោគសម្រាប់ការសាងសង់ និងការរៀបចំសម្រាប់ការបើកដំណើរការមានតម្លៃប្រហែល 330 ពាន់លានយ៉េន។ នាវានឹងមានបន្ទប់ប្រមាណ 1,250 បន្ទប់ និងទំហំសមត្ថភាពនៃអ្នកដំណើរប្រហែល 4,000 នាក់។ នាវានឹងធ្វើដំណើរក្នុងទីស្រុកដែលចេញពីនិងមកដល់កំពង់ផែនៅតំបន់ធំរបស់ទីក្រុងតូក្យូ។ អ្នកដំណើរអាចរីករាយនឹង "ដំណើរកំសាន្តដូចក្នុងសុបិន" ជាមួយនឹងជម្រើសអាហារដែលមានភាពចម្រុះ សេវាដ៏អំណោយផល និងការកំសាន្តដែលផ្តល់ដោយ Disney នៅក្នុងបរិយាកាសវិសេសនិងនៃនាវា។

ការធ្វើដំណើរនេះនឹងមានគ្រប់មុខដែលរួមបញ្ចូលការស្នាក់នៅ បទពិសោធន៍ជាមួយតួអក្សរ ជម្រើសអាហារដ៏ទូលំទូលាយ អាងហែលទឹក និងសកម្មភាពកំសាន្ត ដោយលើកលែងឱ្យមានបន្តិចបន្ទួតនៃបទពិសោធន៍ និងអាហារ។ តម្លៃសម្រាប់បន្ទាប់បន្សំគឺរំពឹងថានឹងមានចន្លោះពី 100,000 ដល់ 300,000 យ៉េនម្នាក់។

MoT reports 2% fall of int’l tourists in May

The Ministry of Tourism (MoT) Tuesday reported that 524,390 international tourists visited Cambodia in May this year, a decrease of 2 percent compared to 533,932 in April but a rise of nearly 16 percent compared to the same month in 2023 which recorded only 442,114 foreigners.

The Tourism Statistics Department of MoT reported that the number of international tourists visiting the Kingdom over the past five months reached 2,640,999 people, accounting for about 48 percent of the total tourists travelling to Cambodia last year.

From January to May, foreign tourists travelled by land and waterways recorded 1,654,564 people while 986,435 passengers travelled by air transport through the three airports including the Siem Reap Angkor International Airport (SAI) received 281,370 tourists, the Phnom Penh International Airport (PNH) welcomed 699,007 tourists and 6,058 from the Sihanouk International Airport (KOS).

The PNH contributed up to 70.8 percent of the total air market in Cambodia in the first five months, followed by SAI which stands for 28.5 percent while the remaining travelled through the KOS.

The top 10 markets from January to May were tourists from Thailand, Vietnam China, Lao PDR, the United States, Korea, France Indonesia, the United Kingdom and Japan. The tourists from Thailand were the highest, reaching 770,371 people, followed by 528,252 Vietnamese and 326,003 Chinese.

As per the report, in May the international tourists who travelled by air recorded 161,478 passengers while 362,912 travelled by land and waterways, a sum of 524,390 tourists in the first month.

The number marked a tiny decrease of about 2 percent compared to the total international tourist in April which recorded 533,932 travellers nationwide but if compared to 442,114 tourists in the first five months of 2023, the report proved an increase of 15.6 percent instead.

Tripadvisor Inc – an American tour company – stated that four tourist destinations in Cambodia have been recognised as the top tourist attractions in Asia of which Angkor Wat ranked second on the list, followed by the Ta Prohm and Bayon temples standing at rank 19th & 20th and lastly is the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh.

Some 521,950 foreign tourists visit Angkor Park in the first semester

The famed Angkor Archaeological Park, Cambodia’s most attractive tourism landscape, received 521,950 foreign tourists in the first semester of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 35 percent.

The figures, shared by the Angkor Enterprise, revealed a substantial increase in revenue from the entrance pass sales, which rose by 36 percent to a significant $24.35 million.

The source pointed out that in June alone, the enterprise earned a total income of $2.15 million, up 18 percent from June 2023. 49,692 registered foreign tourists, a 20 percent year-on-year rise, the enterprise’s source said.

The entrance fee for a one-day visit to the park is $37, a three-day visit costs $62, and a week-long visit is $72.

Situated in Siem Reap northwest province, the 401-square-km Angkor Archaeological Park, a testament to the Khmer Empire’s rich history, is home to 91 ancient temples, which had been built from the 9th to the 13th centuries.

The park, inscribed on the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1992, is the most popular tourist destination in the Kingdom.

According to the same report, Koh Ker – the Khmer Empire’s sole capital from 928 to 944 CE and listed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in September 2023, welcomed 10,828 foreign visitors during the first half of this year, generating $162,420 as income from entrance pass sales.

The Royal Government has formed the Cambodia Tourism Marketing and Promotion Board, composed of representatives from the public and private sectors, to promote Cambodia’s tourism to the international markets.

In 2023, more than 790,000 foreign tourists bought entrance passes to visit Angkor, generating $37 million as income, an increase of 222 percent compared to a year before.AKP

More rain, some sun, forecast for Cambodia

The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has issued a notification on weather conditions in the Kingdom of Cambodia for 4 to 6 July 2024.

Low pressure covers the Gulf of Thailand, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the central Mekong Basin and the South China Sea.

This situation will make: From 4 to 6 July 2024

1-Lowland area:
Minimum average temperature 23 ° C and maximum average temperature 33 ° C. Southwesterly and westerly winds average 2.50 meters per second. Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Thom, Kampong Cham, Tbong Khmum, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kandal, Takeo and Phnom Penh may experience rain with thunder and wind covering 36% of the land.

Minimum average temperature 23 ° C and maximum average temperature 32 ° C. Southwesterly and westerly winds average 2,000 meters per second. Kampong Speu, Pailin, Oddar Meanchey, Preah Vihear, Stung Treng, Kratie, Ratanakkiri, Mondulkiri, Cardamom and Dangrek mountain ranges may experience rain with thunder and wind covering 20% ​​of the area.

3-Coastal area:
Minimum average temperature 23 ° C and maximum average temperature 31 ° C. The wind was blowing from the southwest with an average speed of 2.5 meters per second. Koh Kong, Sihanoukville, Kampot, Kep and Bokor mountains are likely to receive rain with thunder, lightning and gust covering 15% of the area.
Wave height has a minimum average height of 0.50 meters and a maximum average height of 1.50 meters.

Exploring Vintage Shops in Phnom Penh.

Hello! This is the Japan Hobby staff. In May, I visited Phnom Penh, Cambodia for the first time.
During this trip, the local staff guided me and introduced me to some used clothing stores. I would like to share with you all the details about the shops in Cambodia.

សួស្ដី! នេះគឺជាបុគ្គលិកនៃហាង Japan Hobby។ នៅខែឧសភា ខ្ញុំបានទស្សនាទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ជាលើកដំបូង។
ក្នុងដំណើរទស្សនកិច្ចនេះ បុគ្គលិកនៅក្នុងស្រុកបានណែនាំខ្ញុំ និងបង្ហាញខ្ញុំទៅកាន់ហាងលក់សម្លៀកបំពាក់ប្រើប្រាស់មួយចំនួន។ ខ្ញុំចង់ចែករំលែកព័ត៌មានលំអិតអំពីហាងទាំងនេះនៅកម្ពុជា

We visited a warehouse where a large amount of used clothing is gathered. Here, the clothing is sorted and then distributed to various stores within Phnom Penh.

យើងបានទៅទស្សនាស្ទូចមួយ ដែលមានការប្រមូលផ្តុំសម្លៀកបំពាក់ប្រើប្រាស់ច្រើន។ នៅទីនេះ សម្លៀកបំពាក់ត្រូវបានតម្រៀប និងបញ្ជូនទៅតាមហាងផ្សេងៗនៅក្នុងទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ។

■Bella Shop

■Marie vintage thrift

A store that sources products from within the country, the United States, and Japan.
The staff at this store were also very stylish.

While walking at night, I happened to come across a Japanese owner running a pop-up shop in front of a bar.

ខណៈដែលខ្ញុំដើរលេងពេលយប់ ខ្ញុំបានចៃដន្យជួបម្ចាស់ហាងជនជាតិជប៉ុនដែលកំពុងដំណើរការរបររបរស្វយ័តនៅមុខក្លឹបបារ។


The used clothing stores we visited had a wide variety of items in different styles. There were vintage T-shirts, denim, retro dresses, accessories, and many other fun items just to look at.I had checked out many interesting shops on social media, but due to time constraints, I couldn't visit them all this time.

ហាងលក់សម្លៀកបំពាក់ប្រើប្រាស់ដែលយើងបានទៅលេង មានសំលៀកបំពាក់ស្ទីលផ្សេងៗច្រើន។ មានអាវយឺតវីនធីជ, ឌីនីម, រ៉ែត្រូ ដ្រេស, គ្រឿងបន្លាស់ និងទំនិញផ្សេងៗទៀតជាច្រើនដែលគ្រាន់តែមើលក៏រីករាយ។ ខ្ញុំបានពិនិត្យមើលហាងគួរឱ្យចាប់អារម្មណ៍ជាច្រើននៅលើបណ្តាញសង្គម ប៉ុន្តែដោយសារតែពេលវេលាមិនអនុញ្ញាត ខ្ញុំមិនអាចទៅលេងបានទាំងអស់នៅពេលនេះ។

I plan to come back and explore more next time!
If you know of any good shops, please let me know!

ប្រសិនបើអ្នកដឹងហាងល្អៗណាមួយ សូមប្រាប់ខ្ញុំផង!

I went to Pokemon GO Fest 2024 in Sendai!~Part 2~

After the event at the park, we moved to the city for the main target of this trip: the Necrozma raid. But before that, we decided to have lunch. I think the fun of playing Pokemon GO with friends really shows in moments like this. I've traveled several times alone for Pokemon GO, but even if I eat something delicious by myself, I can't share the experience with others. As a result, I often end up eating at convenience stores or having beef noodles. This time, even though it was a bit indulgent, we went to a place where we could share the experience together.

បន្ទាប់ពីព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នៅសួន យើងបានផ្លាស់ទីទៅទីក្រុងសម្រាប់គោលដៅសំខាន់នៃដំណើរនេះ គឺការវាយប្រហារ Necrozma។ ប៉ុន្តែ មុនពេលនោះ យើងបានសម្រេចចិត្តញ៉ាំអាហារថ្ងៃត្រង់ជាមុនសិន។ ខ្ញុំគិតថា អារម្មណ៍សប្បាយនៃការលេង Pokemon GO ជាមួយមិត្តភក្តិ ពិតជាផុសឡើងនៅពេលនេះ។ ខ្ញុំធ្លាប់ធ្វើដំណើរច្រើនដងម្នាក់ឯងសម្រាប់ Pokemon GO ប៉ុន្តែ ទោះបីជាខ្ញុំញ៉ាំអ្វីដែលឆ្ងាញ់ដោយខ្លួនឯងក៏ដោយ ខ្ញុំមិនអាចចែករំលែកបទពិសោធន៍នេះជាមួយអ្នកដទៃបានទេ។ លទ្ធផលគឺ ខ្ញុំតែងតែបញ្ចប់ដោយញ៉ាំនៅហាងទំនិញ ឬអ៊ុតស៊ូវសាច់គោ។ ដំណើរទៅកាន់ទីក្រុងនេះ ទោះបីជាមានភាពប្រណីតខ្លះក៏ដោយ យើងបានទៅកន្លែងដែលយើងអាចចែករំលែកបទពិសោធន៍ជាមួយគ្នា។

"Umaisushikan Yutorogi Izumiten" was reviewed as being cheap and delicious, but I was surprised to see that the negitoro was suddenly 800 yen. However, it was indeed delicious. The tuna and horse mackerel were also very good. Looking ahead, I saw that my friend who came with me had ordered a seafood bowl. That also looked delicious. But I can't spend all my money here. There are still many things I want to eat.

"Umaisushikan Yutorogi Izumiten" ត្រូវបានសរសេរវាយតម្លៃថាថោកនិងឆ្ងាញ់ ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលដែលឃើញថា នេហ្គីតូរ៉ូ忽然ដល់ 800 យេន។ ទោះយ៉ាងណា វាប្រាកដជាឆ្ងាញ់។ ត្រីធុនាហើយនិងត្រីម៉ាក្រូក៏ឆ្ងាញ់ណាស់ដែរ។ ខណៈដែលខ្ញុំមើលទៅមុខ ខ្ញុំឃើញមិត្តរួមដំណើររបស់ខ្ញុំបានបញ្ជាទិញបាយសមុទ្រ។ នេះក៏មើលទៅឆ្ងាញ់ផងដែរ។ ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំមិនអាចចំណាយប្រាក់ទាំងអស់នៅទីនេះទេ។ នៅមានច្រើនដែលខ្ញុំចង់ញ៉ាំទៀត។

The city was overflowing with Pokémon trainers! No matter which way you looked, there were trainers everywhere! Every PokéStop had a lure added, and Pokémon kept appearing non-stop. But when I tried to catch them, I got a network error! And when I restarted the app, I couldn't log in! Yes, this is Pokémon GO!

ទីក្រុងនេះពោរពេញដោយអ្នកបណ្តុះបណ្តាល Pokémon! មិនថាអ្នកមើលទៅខាងណា ក៏អ្នកបណ្តុះបណ្តាលនៅគ្រប់ទីកន្លែង! PokéStop រាល់កន្លែងមានការបន្ថែមល័ពួរ ហើយ Pokémon បន្តរៀបចំតាមដាន។ ប៉ុន្តែពេលខ្ញុំព្យាយាមចាប់ពួកវា ខ្ញុំបានប្រទះនឹងកំហុសបណ្តាញ! ហើយពេលខ្ញុំចាប់ផ្តើមកម្មវិធីវិញ ខ្ញុំមិនអាចចូលបានទេ! បាទ នេះគឺ Pokémon GO!

To ease our frustration, we decided to have some sweets. After a 40-minute wait, we got seats at the famous "Zunda Saryo." We ordered both zunda mochi and a zunda shake. Delicious. But while waiting, we found out online that there's also a Zunda Saryo at Haneda Airport. Still, I'm sure it tastes better because we're eating it in Sendai.

It was getting close to the time when we needed to have dinner and head to the hotel. But all the famous beef tongue restaurants in Sendai were full. Apparently, for popular places like "Gyutan Zenjiro," you need to get a ticket in the morning when they open to get in.

So, we ended up going to an izakaya that served local dishes.
While waiting for our drinks to arrive, we started a remote raid…

ដើម្បីបំបាត់ក្តីខឹងរបស់យើង យើងសម្រេចចិត្តញ៉ាំបង្អែមមួយចំនួន។ បន្ទាប់ពីរង់ចាំ 40 នាទី យើងទទួលបានកៅអីនៅ "Zunda Saryo" ដែលល្បីឈ្មោះ។ យើងបានបញ្ជាទិញទាំង zunda mochi និង zunda shake។ ឆ្ងាញ់ណាស់។ ប៉ុន្តែខណៈពេលរង់ចាំ យើងបានដឹងតាមអ៊ីនធឺណិតថា ក៏មាន Zunda Saryo នៅអាកាសយានដ្ឋានហាណេដាដែរ។ ទោះយ៉ាងណា ខ្ញុំប្រាកដថា វាឆ្ងាញ់ជាងព្រោះយើងកំពុងញ៉ាំវានៅសិនដាយ។

វាជិតដល់ពេលដែលយើងត្រូវការញ៉ាំអាហារពេលល្ងាច ហើយត្រូវទៅសណ្ឋាគារ។ ប៉ុន្តែភោជនីយដ្ឋានល្បីៗទាំងអស់ដែលលក់សាច់ក្រពើនៅសិនដាយពេញអស់ហើយ។ សព្វតាមពិត សម្រាប់កន្លែងល្បីៗដូចជា "Gyutan Zenjiro" អ្នកត្រូវបានអោយបានសំបុត្រនៅពេលព្រឹកដែលពួកគេបើកដើម្បីចូលទៅក្នុង។

ដូច្នេះ យើងចុងក្រោយបានទៅហាងអ៊ីសាកាយ៉ាដែលបំរើមុខម្ហូបក្នុងតំបន់។ ខណៈពេលរង់ចាំភេសជ្ជៈរបស់យើងមកដល់ យើងបានចាប់ផ្តើមការវាយប្រហារពីចម្ងាយ…

and then, a 100% Necrozma appeared!!

ហើយបន្ទាប់មក Necrozma ១០០% បានបង្ហាញខ្លួន!!

A celebratory toast!!

~To be continued in Part 3.


~ត្រូវបន្តនៅផ្នែកទី 3.

I went to Pokemon GO Fest 2024 in Sendai!~Part 1~

On June 1st, I traveled to Sendai to attend Pokemon GO Fest 2024! Sendai is a city in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. As someone living in Tokyo, I thought it was a faraway place, but when I checked the transportation options, it turned out to be just a two and a half hour trip. When you consider that it's the same amount of time it takes to go from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville, it's not that far at all.

ថ្ងៃទី 1 ខែមិថុនា ខ្ញុំបានធ្វើដំណើរទៅទីក្រុងសេនដាយ ដើម្បីចូលរួមក្នុងកម្មវិធី Pokemon GO Fest 2024! ទីក្រុងសេនដាយ គឺជាទីក្រុងមួយក្នុងខេត្ត Miyagi នៃប្រទេសជប៉ុន។ ជាជនរួមជាតិដែលរស់នៅទីក្រុងតូក្យូ ខ្ញុំគិតថានោះគឺជាទីកន្លែងដ៏ឆ្ងាយ ប៉ុន្តែកាលណាខ្ញុំត្រួសត្រាយមធ្យោបាយដំណើរការទៅកាន់ទីនោះ ខ្ញុំបានដឹងថា នោះគ្រាន់តែត្រូវចំណាយពេលពីរម៉ោងកន្លះប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកគិតថាពេលវេលានោះគឺជាពេលវេលាដូចគ្នាដែលចំណាយក្នុងការធ្វើដំណើរពីភ្នំពេញទៅក្រុងព្រះសីហនុ នោះវាមិនឆ្ងាយសោះទេ។

Tohoku Shinkansen "Hayabusa"

One of the highlights of train travel in Japan is the station bento! Although they are not exactly cheap, you can choose from a variety of regional specialty dishes, which definitely enhances the travel experience. This time, I chose the most popular one, "Gyūniku Doman Naka"! As expected, it was delicious.

មួយក្នុងចំណោមក្តីរីករាយនៃការធ្វើដំណើរជាមួយរថភ្លើងនៅប្រទេសជប៉ុន គឺឥណទានស្ថានីយ! ទោះបីជាវាមិនមែនថាមានតំលៃថោកជាងគេទេ តែអ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើសមុខម្ហូបពិសេសៗនៃតំបន់នីមួយៗ ដែលពិតជាសមគួរឱ្យមានភាពរីករាយនៃការធ្វើដំណើរ។ ពេលនេះ ខ្ញុំបានជ្រើសរើសមួយដែលមានប្រជាប្រិយភាពខ្លាំងបំផុតគឺ "Gyūniku Doman Naka"! ដូចដែលរំពឹងទុក វារសជាតិឆ្ងាញ់។

"Gyūniku Doman Naka"
The scene at Sendai Station

The Tohoku Shinkansen is incredibly fast! While I was exchanging messages with my friends, we arrived at Sendai Station in no time. Sendai Station is full of Pokemon GO decorations, which really gets you excited!

I was supposed to meet up with other trainers to play Pokemon GO in Sendai, but there’s a Necrozma raid happening! Finding my friends can wait—Necrozma is more important, right?

រថភ្លើងទ្បើងនិចកាញ់សែនលឿន! ខណៈពេលដែលខ្ញុំកំពុងផ្ញើសារនឹងមិត្តភក្តិ នោះយើងបានទៅដល់ស្ថានីយសែនដាយយ៉ាងឆាប់រហ័ស។ ស្ថានីយសែនដាយពោរពេញទៅដោយការតុបតែង Pokemon GO ដែលធ្វើឱ្យអារម្មណ៍រីករាយខ្លាំង!

ខ្ញុំគួរតែជួបអ្នកបណ្តុះបណ្តាលផ្សេងៗដើម្បីលេង Pokemon GO នៅសែនដាយ ប៉ុន្តែមានការវាយប្រហារ Necrozma កំពុងកើតឡើង! ការរកមិត្តភក្តិសម្រាប់លេងអាចរង់ចាំបាន - Necrozma គឺសំខាន់ជាងមែនទេ?

We finally managed to meet up and headed to Nanakita Park. If there’s one downside to the Pokemon GO Fest, it’s that you’re so busy you don’t have time to take photos of the scenery! After all, you want to catch as many rare Pokemon as possible!

យើងចុងក្រោយក៏ជួបគ្នា និងបានទៅសួនសាធារណៈ Nanakita។ ប្រសិនបើមានចំណុចអវិជ្ជមានទាក់ទងនឹង Pokemon GO Fest វាជាការថា អ្នករវល់ពេក ដោយមិនមានពេលវេលាដើម្បីថតរូបទេសភាពទេ! ចុងក្រោយ អ្នកចង់ចាប់ Pokemon កម្រឱ្យបានច្រើនបំផុត!

I think the park for this event was much smaller compared to Osaka or Sapporo. Also, it was quite cool. For someone like me who is overweight, it was the perfect venue. Although the rain was a bit of a problem, everyone was really excited!

~To be continued in Part 2.

ខ្ញុំគិតថាសួនសាធារណៈសម្រាប់ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នេះ តូចជាងនៅអូសាកា ឬសាប់ប៉ូរ។ ដោយឡែក អាកាសធាតុក៏ត្រជាក់ណាស់។ សម្រាប់មនុស្សដែលចំណុចធាត់ដូចខ្ញុំ វាជាទីតាំងដ៏ល្អឥតខ្ចោះ។ ទោះបីជាមានភ្លៀងធ្លាក់ក៏ដោយ វាបានបង្កការលំបាកខ្លះ ប៉ុន្តែអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាមានអារម្មណ៍រំភើបខ្លាំងណាស់!

~ត្រូវបន្តនៅផ្នែកទី 2.

Cambodia ranks first among 72 countries as the most beautiful place to watch the sunrise

According to Mornings.co.uk’s recent survey of the world’s most beautiful sunrise locations, Cambodia ranks first among the 72 most beautiful sunrise spots worldwide.

According to the research, out of 72 countries, Cambodia ranked first with Angkor Wat in the territory of Siem Reap for the best sunrise in the world. Then Borobudur Temple in Indonesia ranked fourth, Bagan, Myanmar, seventh, and Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda ranked 72nd.

On March 21, 2024, there were 10,154 tourists, including 2,575 foreigners and 7,579 Cambodians, who came to watch the sunrise at the top of the Angkor Wat temple, or Equinox.

Every year, the Equinox occurs twice; the dry season (Vernal Equinox) occurs in March, and the rainy season (Autumnal Equinox) occurs in September.

Giant Bokor Buddha expected to be major tourist attraction

A giant Buddha structure on Bokor Mountain is around 30% complete – and is expected to be a major tourist draw when completed.

The giant statue is being built by the Sokha Group and will be 108 metres tall.

The huge shrine, located on the top of Bokor Mountain in Monivong National Park, will be a religious destination for local Buddhists and tourists from all over the world.

The 108-meter-high Buddha statue was inaugurated in January 2023 and will take around four years to build

It will cover over 90 hectares on the ridge of Bokor Mountain

It’s base will be 248 meters long and 186 meters wide and features four large stairs with dragon handrails representing the four major directions in the style of Angkor Wat in the reign of King Suryavarman II in the 12th century.

The purpose of building this huge Buddha statue on Bokor Mountain is to be a shrine for the Cambodian people, as well as to dedicate peace, prosperity and lasting peace to all people.

This huge Buddha statue is also a contribution to support the field of Buddhism and the development of cultural tourism – especially to attract national and international tourists to this area in large numbers and provide a lot of income from those tourists.